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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Changing Your Name

WHEN Mitchell Gold, now 59, arrived in Manhattan in 1974, he “was young, fresh out of college and closeted,” he recalled. He took a job selling pillows at Bloomingdale’s, and remembered going out with women and usually finding that “the waiter was more interesting, or her brother.”

“The world could be ending, and you wouldn’t know it with Mitchell,” Mr. Scofield said. “He’s always so calm. You want a partner like that, someone who makes you feel everything is going to be all right.” (why can't I find a boss like that????)

On June 19, they were married at the Des Moines Art Center in a wedding that was in some ways a celebration of Iowa, one of five states that permit same-sex marriages. As 92 guests, including Mr. Williams, watched, the couple said their vows before Judge Robert B. Hanson of Iowa’s Fifth Judicial District, whose 2007 ruling helped open the door to same-sex marriages in that state.

I say what took them so long?

From now on, they will be known as Mr. Gold and Mr. Gold, or the Golds.

“I’m changing my name,” Mr. Scofield said. “My grandfather’s name was Goldberg. It’s almost like going back to my roots, in a way. I think it’s very interesting that women are becoming more liberated and keeping their names, whereas gay men are becoming more traditional and changing their names.”

Have you kept your maiden name?
I have kept mine. 
And thank G-d I did.

Professionally speaking....
it is a real benefit if you have been married several times.

Have a lovely 4th.......I will be working. XXXX's

Mitchell Gold's Sofas - click here
The NYT article - click here

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., Mitchel Gold

Friday, July 2, 2010

Would You Follow Me?

Have you ever wanted to just feel 
like you did when you were a kid?
I did
and still do.

I remember many years ago, I made some major life changes-
in my own behaviors.......
and this was to improve the quality of my life.
For the way I perceived things going on around me.

What I wanted to get out of all this hard work was 
to be able to laugh like I did in the 3rd grade with my friends.
Do you remember that?
Just giggling, until your sides hurt.
I want that....I love to laugh and laugh hard.

I could fall for an ugly man if he were really funny.
I know it's true....because I have.

Well maybe what I need now is a secret club house.
And this would work just fine for me and my friends.

Could we bloggie pals have fun tea parties here??
Do you think we would laugh until our sides hurt????
.......this is me heading to the tiny clubhouse.....

Would you follow me there?

credit: N.Y.T go here to read complete story

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A.,Tiny House In The Catskills, laughing, giggling,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Limed Oak - Not Pickled

I love limed oak.
 The molding and most woodworking in this room is limed oak.
 This finish is coming back in a BIG WAY.
All the major furniture manufacturers have versions of this finish.
Look for them they are there.
And will be coming on strong.
Now that the retail market is completely saturated 
with DARK finishes .....
just you wait, 
this will start popping up in retail showrooms.
People in Florida are begging for light furniture and I like limed wood.
Oak turns 'taupe-ish.'
Hopefully someday I will have 
a limed oak floor like image #1.


Liming Wood
A few hundred years ago wood was treated with a caustic lime mixture to protect it from the attacks of insects and worms. Later on the the effect of the lime residue on the wood grain became fashionable so eventually it was used for solely decorative reasons.

If you have someone do this for you in your home
be careful that it doesn't turn out with a slightly pink tinge.
Just make sure that you mention it to your finisher.
It has turned out pinkie in the very room that I have featured in this post.
*The finish I have used (when liming wood) for woodwork
and built-ins is the color in the picture #2.
Below I have a few sites to explore if you wish to try it on your own.

What do you think about LIMED WOOD?

*and how about the alabaster light fixture????

Want to try it ? click here or here

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A, Limed Oak - Not Pickled
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Been To Tel Aviv?

I have never been to Tel Aviv.
Many kids that I grew up with went.
IT was almost a right of passage in Miami Beach.
I never went.
I never wanted to, so i didn't.
But all these years later.....
 with all the happy people I have met from there,
and the happy stories I have heard.....
I would go today.
The streets of Tel Aviv.
The beaches.
hmmmmm...not too different from Miami Beach.
- and the cool places to just chill with new and old friends..
A man based in Paris stays here
 in this 1924 apartment in Tel Aviv,
which he decorated with 1924 deco pieces that he puchased from Germany.

I have imported chairs just like the two on the right from Paris.

I loved them and they are living in an old clients house that I did.

Have you been to Tel Aviv ?
What stories do you have to share?

story and image credit click here

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A. , tel aviv, deco

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hiding Your Sources

The secret to creativity 
is knowing how to hide your sources.
Albert Einstein

As a designer 
this is an important practice 
that I am not always good at.
Are you?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A.,hiding your sources

About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



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Creative Commons License
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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