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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Table For Two, And A Bowl Of Milk

Oh, I am sure Miss Monroe had a tattoo on her ass. NOT !!
In a word...ridiculous.
The ONLY THING these two individuals will ever have in common is addiction.
This is Miss Monroe.
This is a Movie Star !
This is a 'sex kitten' in the best sense of it's meaning.
Lyndsey Lohan imitating Marilyn Monroe...what a joke !! No comparison.
It is an insult to those of us who do hold Monroe's memory close to our hearts.
I was particularly touched by her story which I read in my twenties. Maybe Miss Lohan should read her story as well. There are quite a few good examples of what addiction brings to your life.
Look at this face !

Everything that I have ever read about Marilyn Monroe has stated that she was a kind person, a woman who was constantly trying to improve herself.
M.M. was self conscious about her lack of she read, studied and eventually married a 'genius play write.'
She desperately wanted a child ( which I think in itself is very telling) with Arther Miller, but she miscarried. Her broken heart, and her addiction eventually destroyed her marriage too.

Marilyn Monroe's addiction to pills and alcohol killed her, whether it was a death by her own hand or not.
There is some mystery concerning her death.......
But, in the end it was her addiction and unclear thinking which left her vulnerable to many bad situations and bad people.

To see and read more;

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom, Marilyn Monr


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Real English Saddle Stool

For Renee.
Some of you already know, and for those of you who do not know....I ride.

Do You Likie ???
I likie !!
The Creater is a Brazilian Designer named Fernando Akasaka.
To go to his site;

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom,A Real English Saddle Stool


Monday, June 15, 2009

Check Out This Dorm Room !!

"But it is in fact a perfectly authentic expression of the 21-year-old college senior who was voted “preppiest in the class” at Choate Rosemary Hall and has a sincere love for Stubbs & Wootton slipper shoes and melon-colored pants. “I can’t live in a minimalist world,” says Sinsteden, who is majoring in French and art history. “For me, it’s all about eclecticism.”


He had decorated his family's home several times by the time he was twelve.

When other 15-year-olds were going to lacrosse camp, Sinsteden worked for David Easton, a neoclassical decorator in the Albert Hadley/Bunny Williams school. After his first year of college, he interned for Moss and still works for her one day a week. “I finish her sentences,” he says. “And she reads my mind.”

“Max has a gift and a great eye, combined with raw energy and enthusiasm,” Moss says.

To read the complete article;

This artcle makes me smile just reading it.
How lucky is Maximilian Sinsteden?
And lucky, lucky that his parents indulged his talents, and were sensitive to them.
Imagine if he had been raised by different people.....

The journey getting here is a fragile thing.
Do you think so too ?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bright Days, Bright Canvas, and Bright Sundays

So.....Where the hell are my sunglasses ????
When the summer comes to Florida....It is not great for me.
Do you know about seasonal depression ? I suffer from it in Florida in the summer months. The humidity is oppressive (and it hasn't even hit yet), and I get headaches, almost daily.
When hurricane season comes....forget about it !! Miserable.
For me, Florida's summer months effect my lifestyle the same way the freezing cold effects others in the winter months up north. I can only be outside for a little while for fear of melting into the sidewalk.
I talk about it all the time to my freinds....the whole reason for living here is the ocean.
The end !!! That's it , nothing else.
Truly, the only place to be is right by the water. Once you get is difficult to complain.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom,Bright Days, Bright Canvas, and Bright Sundays, Umbrellas


Friday, June 12, 2009

Rainwater Harvesting Is Green And Beautiful

(The Maximum Annual Gallons of Rain Capture on a 2,000 square foot roof with 14 inches of rain are calculated as follows:
14 inches x 2,000 square feet x .623 gallons = 17,444 gallons)

You can go all the way......
Or do just a little bit.

Yes, you can go green too !

" A water garden is not just a change in your landscape, it's a change in your lifestyle. A properly installed, low maintenance, ecologically balanced work of art for you to enjoy everyday. Unlike many home improvement projects, a pond gets better with age, and each passing season brings its own beauty."
James Ponds is proud to announce that all our features can incorporate a rainwater harvesting system, Aquascape Inc’s RainXchange™ System.

This sounds so exciting to me.

And look, it is so lush ( I love lush ) !!

Now it is time for

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom,Rainwater Harvesting Is Green And Beautiful,Rainwater Harvesting Is Green And Beautiful,Rainwater Harvesting Is Green And Beautiful


About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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