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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Infamous Flamestitch

Just Another Infamous Flamestitch

When in a jam finding a pattern with all the right colors that you are working with, you will always be able to find the infamous FLAMESTITCH. ( with just the right colors)

And in a small dose, even I, who really dislikes it, can tolerate it.

And in the end, when everything is all pulled together it actually looks great.

It can really be a LIFE SAVER.

I speak from experience and a few bald spots that I have from pulling my hair out over a few jobs/projects/clients/rooms/bad dye lots/poor installatiions , yadda ,yadda , yadda name it, but we can stop there.

Just give it a chance, you will be pleased.

This works beautifully with contemporary.

This one is pretty darn sharp, but it is not a typical FLAMESTITCH.

Yuck-O, .......this is a typical flamestitch.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Designer's Eye ( Wide Open )

All fabrics in this post are Clarence House ( which I love, love, love )

Fabric can be tricky, you can dislike a fabric when looking at a sample so you avoid it. You discard the possibilities of that particular fabric tying things together , simply because you do not like it for some reason.

An interesting print and colors, and I can only say that because I am seeing it with an open design (mind) eye. The Designer's Eye.
KILIM sku-34305 rep: 47 " H rep: 27" - Clarence House

This is what got me all excited . How great is this ???

Maybe it is not itchy . That would be awesome.


Some people really hate paisley. I love PAISLEY. I always have .

People react to pattern much like they react to color.

Take the FLAME-STITCH ( flamestitch ) for instance.
You like it , you can tolerate it , or you HATE IT. I have seen so many reactions from clients who don't know the name of the pattern, but they know how they feel about it with just one glance. I have had clients say things like ; " I hate it, my grandmother had something like that ", blah , blah ,blah....whatever......

Some just say; " I don't want that in my house", some say; " it's okay, but let's keep looking ", and I have yet to hear the words; " OOOHHH , I love that ! "

The Flame-Stitch ( or flamestitch )is a really funny one. Just for fun , carry a memo ( sample) around with you and show it to your clients . Watch their reactions, it is funny.

More of them will dislike it , than like it.

The reason for this segue :

When in a jam finding a pattern with all the right colors that you are working with, you will always be able to find the infamous FLAMESTITCH. And in a small dose, even I, who really dislikes it, can tolerate it.
And in the end, when everything is all pulled together it actually looks great. It is really a LIFE SAVER.
Give it a chance, you will be pleased.
Especially if you are like me who who layers pattern, upon pattern,upon pattern.

*And never forgo your trims, they are the secret to using multiple patterns ( or pulling in another color ). When you have a pattern that does not have all the colors that you need in it, ADD A TRIM, and voila !!!!
Suddenly, everything comes together, and you are a genius!!!


(Deco Anyone ????)
Being objective with patterns is a must, it's a difficult thing , but it improves your work.
Otherwise , you can end up doing what you love over and over. And that's not great, and that's not designing.

Just learn to stretch open the designer's eye inside you .

ZAZA - silk

Clarence House

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design


Sunday, February 15, 2009

moon river-breakfast at tiffany´s

The Mean Reds ( On February 15th 2009 )

Holly Golightly: You know those days when you get the mean reds?

Paul Varjak: The mean reds. You mean like the blues?

Holly Golightly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat, and maybe it's been raining too long.

You're just sad, that's all. The mean reds are horrible.

Suddenly you're afraid, and you don't know what you're afraid of.

Do you ever get that feeling?

Picture credits:

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design


Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Day Birthday Parties

NYC Graffiti
I am going to do a painting of this wall for my daughter.

Valentines is my birthday, or so I thought until I went for my 1st driver license. My mother always celebrated my birthday on Valentines Day , and I could only have Valentines' themes at my parties because , after all. I was a Valentines baby. Right ?

Everything was red or pink, everything. And so I grew to have a real dislike ( mild word for how I felt ) for the colors. I mean, I HAD TO HAVE RED & PINK at all the parties !!!
But, if you are concerned,
I recently became a recovering PINK & RED person,
but it is a
"one day at a time" program.

Nope, no Ho-Down birthday party theme for this kid, no purple themes, yellow, or black and white, nothing but pink & red !

That color scheme spilled over into my room as well.
PINK PINK PINK and a bit more pink.

I remember after I got my drivers license, I demanded some green. And got some green, the green on the leaves of the pink flowers !! LOL
About the license......

I went into the vehicle motor division and had my birth certificate in an envelope, and of course being very excited ( finally free , with my own car , I was thinking ) handed it to the lady behind the counter.

She asked me a series of questions,
one of them being; "And how old are you Miss Finberg ?",
I said; "16"
she asked; " And when were you born ? " ,
I said; " February 14th 1956",
she said; " Not according to this birth certificate".
I was like, HUH ? Wha ?
She said; "This certificate says that you were born on the 15th. "
Now, I am thinking & saying, "there must be some horrible mistake !!"
In my head I am panicking and thinking, this is it, I knew this was too good to be true !! Finally , I convinced her that it was really mine, and it is really ME , and so she let me take the test. I left with a drivers license in my hand. Frankly, I didn't care if the date on the birth certificate and the license was wrong. I just wanted my drivers license !!!

When I got home I ran to find my mother and told her that there was a mistake on my birth certificate.

And SHE SAID; " Oh , I know your birthday is the 15th, but Valentines Day is sooooo much CUTER !!! "

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design


About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at reneefinberg@gmail.ocm.

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