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Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Rainy Season Is Short But Welcomed By Me

Brings the the cool breezes. 
And usually the next day will be a 
high pressure day.
Full sun , no clouds, blue SKIES and yummy cool temperatures.
Thank G-d!

How are things by you??

I have been tethered to 'The Trade' all week....
never knowing when I will be relieved for the day or 1 hour.

Ever felt this way?

I am from a world 
where when I say I will be somewhere....I am there.
And if I will not be there...
I use the phone.
No Brain-er. Right?

Have a beautiful Saturday !!!

I am off to work.

XXXXs & hugs 

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, All built-ins,built in banquette sofa seating,the rains come....and then the COOL weather, Thank G-d, Finally cool in Boca Raton, Florida Share

Friday, October 28, 2011

I Eat Violets

The print shown is from an engraving by Canu in 1815. Copies were circulated among the supporters of the exiled Emperor. 
They would toast, "Corporal Violet."

During the exile of Napoleon I at Elba, in the year 1814, preceding Napoleon's abdication, the French Bonapartists chose, as their emblem, the violet because of the Capitulation of Paris. They nicknamed Napoleon "Caporal Violet, the little flower that returns with spring". Postcards picturing a bunch of innocent looking violets soon flooded France, but when scrutinized closely, the violets in the bouquet revealed the outlines of portraits of Napoleon, Marie Louise and of their three year old son, Charles, King of Rome. The French government fought, by decree on and off, until the year 1874 any reproduction of a violet because it was the symbol of the Bonapartists.

Author Unknown

Did you know Chopin loved violets
and when he died of tuberculosis
his close friend and female novelist {George Sand}
found every violet she could in Paris and covered his grave with them.

     Zeus wasn't the only philanderer who sent violets to his wife. Napoleon Bonaparte's wife Josephine loved the flowers. She wore them on her wedding day, and Napoleon (who wasn't the most faithful husband on record) sent her a bouquet of purple violets every year on their anniversary. Napoleon adopted the plant as his political emblem, and when he was banished to Elba, he promised to "return with the violets." While he was in exile, his followers persisted in wearing the flower as an emblem of their own faithfulness, even after a law was passed against it. And after Waterloo, Napoleon reportedly visited Josephine's grave, picked a few violets he found growing there, and kept them in a locket he wore until his own death.

Then there is me.
I just love the way they smell 
and the way they TASTE!!!!

I grew up on these candies.
No one else liked them.
They said they tasted like perfume.

Edible perfume that knocks your socks off 
with your favorite scent.....
what could be better??????

Probably because as a tiny child
my grandmother {BIBI}
had them on the window sill over her sink always.
I spent much time standing on a step ladder next to her 
no matter what she was doing.
It could have been washing dishes, 
cooking, or preparing food....
I was her constant shadow.
I may have driven her crazy, but I never knew it!

And because I am so crazy for the scent.....
it has finally been revealed to me
that every fine perfume I have worn has had a violet base in it.
I am now wearing the purest violet scent that I can find.
It smells just like the candy.
I am in heaven when I first put it on...
after a minute or 2
you can no longer smell it's sweet,
one and only scent.
Needless to say....
I am the constant spritzer....
[like the constant gardner]
Thank You mom for the RE-FILL

What do you think of VIOLET?
I have been told it is an OLD LADY scent.
Okay. So What?
I have been an old lady since the age of 9!!!

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, All built-ins,built in banquette sofa seating.\Violets,Violets, napoleon,chopin and violetsShare

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chic Industrial Dining In Paris

Any thoughts?

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, All built-ins,built in banquette sofa seating,chic dining in paris, dining tables, industrial, paris , paris

Monday, October 24, 2011

Meet Me @ 'THE TRADE'

They met me at 'THE TRADE' alright!!

We had tons of traffic and the 
'Meet Me Downtown' event went off without a hitch.
The weather was fabulous.

The table and chairs outside
'THETRADE' has become an amazing draw 
to the shop from the neighborhood.
I am usually out there having coffee and on my laptop.
I now know almost ever dog 
and it's owner in the neighborhood.

We had antique and muscle car show parked right in 
front of the shop.
And the 5K marathon for the cure 
passed our shop too.

Doesn't the shop look nice?
What do you think?

The goat tables are new at 
'The Trade' in Boca Raton.
And they are divine.

You can see 'The Trade' if you look across the street.
This is a less crowded shot of the marathon before the cars came.
I was passing out water.
But what I really wanted to do 
was pass out myself.
I was so tired yesterday.

Some other sights on my street.

And at last.....
The witch of the car show.
Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, All built-ins,built in banquette sofa seating.Saturday in Boca Raton, The 5k marathon for the cure, all new things in 'THE TRADE' in Boca Raton


Friday, October 21, 2011

Come Tonight to ' Meet Me Downtown' Event in BOCA RATON

TONIGHT - Friday night starting at 6pm -
on Saturday from 8am until 10pm

From Miami to Vera Beach,
this is worth the drive.
Bring the kids too.
Most Shops will be having open houses 
with wine, cold beverages. coffee and yummy treats.
There will be bands and all other sorts of entertainment.

Tomorrow morning at 8am there will be a 5k run
 for breast cancer through the charming streets of downtown 
Boca Raton.
I will be passing out drinks to the runners in front of my shop.
And the fun continues all day Saturday as well until 10pm

Come on and see me at 'THE TRADE'

if you will come....
here is the link for all the events and directions etc:
Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, All built-ins,built in banquette sofa seating, 'The Meet Me Downtown' Event in BOCA RATON , 'THE TRADE' in Boca Raton Home StoreShare

About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at reneefinberg@gmail.ocm.

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