Work is work.
Just that.
It is a daily struggle for me. I come off like a very secure , confident, professional, but still a playful person. But that is not what is going on inside my head. I am unsure of myself, and it is a struggle for me to be with co-workers. You know....other 'CORPORATE people.'
After I have been doing the selling thing on the floor with a couple of clients.....I feel as though "I've been birthin' babies !"
(That's a line from Gone With The Wind)
I am just worn out!! It is tough to be 'ON' if you know what I mean.
I just read a great book; 'Ghosts Among Us' - by James Van Praagh ( NYT Bestseller)
It was fabulous for me. Just what I needed.

It has given me a whole new way to recharge myself at any time of the day.
You have heard the saying; "you can start your day over at any time of the day!"
Well, this book takes it to a whole new level.
If you have read 'Many Lives Many Masters' you will love this a s well.
It is completely uplifting.
For one thing, regarding anyone you have ever lost in life through death or even suicide, this book will give you true comfort. For me , I have lost my Dad and I miss him a great deal. I think of him often. In this book I found out that when you think of a lost loved one who has passed on, their spirit is instantly with you.
I knew he was there all those times!!!!
Also you are given many visualizations.
For instance; if you visualize a pink aura around yourself, it will emanate love. This visualization is for protection. But you do have to think only GOOD & PURE thoughts.
It is working for me.............
So today at work I will be surrounding myself with a pink glow.
I am not a far-out person. Trust me on this. can't hurt me to be open minded and try new things.
G-d knows, we all could use a better tool box to get through this life.
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
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