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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Great Beds - Built-In

I have always had a thing for built-in beds.
I still want my own.
This one would work just fine for me.
Is this not fabulous???

This is way too sweet for me 
but it solves some problems.
The dresser is under the bed, and if you are tight on space 
or would like to leave room for the kiddos to move around a bit.....
this is a great option

When I finally have a second home in a fabulous place....
I am going to make one of the guest rooms 
with stacked built in beds on both sides.

I knew a woman in NYC who was a single mom.
She had a studio with an alcove {apartment}, 
and she did this in the alcove space for her son.
She slept in the living room.
This woman was very chic....
and managed to pull off her difficult situation beautifully.

This idea is fabulous.
You can make a room where there wasn't one.
If you had a great could this be???

Do you like BUILT-IN BEDS?

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Online Interior Design,built in beds,Great Beds - Built-In, In Boca Raton

Monday, February 21, 2011

Now THIS PLACE Has Industrial Touches

Most of you know that I love homes made out of
 interesting pre-existing warehouses, churches, mills and factory buildings.
Here is a new one for me.
This is an old train station made into a cottage.
It has really big mechanical thingies in it.
And I think it is 'way cool.'

Now I would have used completely different furnishings
and a completely different kitchen.
But just take a look
and use your own imagination.

I love the gigantic 'thingie' between the dining room and the kitchen.
I would leave it and use fantastic case goods and upholstery.
Seasoned with whimsical antiques.

Think of what fabrics & great area rugs might do.
And lets not leave out both large pieces of art,
 and grouping smaller art would do.

What might you do?
Or would you steer clear of this altogether?

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Online Interior Design,boca raton and south florida,train station made into a country corrage, industrial design touches, marie claire maison, fabulous marie claire maison

Sunday, February 20, 2011

ONLY if you really know me - READ THIS

When I came down stairs this morning….
At the bottom of the stairs and straight ahead is the room where my mother in law {Marie} sleeps.
She now is sleeping on a hospital bed with an air mattress.
It has a pump that is constantly pumping.
You can always hear it. It sounds just like a respirator.

The pump is changing the level of pressure that pushes against her body. 
You see, she has 2 unbelievably bad bed sores. Hospice comes every day or so.
And for the first time, on Thursday this past week I was assisting my daughter 
while changing her diaper ...and I saw them!!
The Bed Sores.
Andi {my daughter} told me; "they have become really bad in the past three days."
I almost lost it in the room with Marie (my mother in law} when I saw them. 
I didn’t dare!!
I had to run out of the room…I went outside and lost my lunch.
It is too much. I still can’t believe my daughter has stepped up the plate in this way, and to this extent.
I couldn’t do it…and I can take blood and gore. I was a candy striper as a kid.
And I in high school I worked as a dental asst. in oral surgery….
but this was too much for a kid {not a kid really - 23yrs old}to be doing,
Unless of course, she wanted to be a nurse.
It is a testament to her love for her grandmother.
I am so proud of my daughter. I have seen and heard her with Marie, there is so much love and tenderness there. I know that this has truly changed Andi. She is doing what I could no longer do.
Marie cannot walk anymore. She hardly eats. She is physically twisted up into a knot. Her arms and legs are bent and held tightly to her body. This has come on with in the last 2 weeks. We think that she had some sort of stroke. Her speech all but gone as well.
Hospice doesn’t say what happened….they admit that they would only be guessing.

Back to the beginning….
I came down the stairs this morning and straight ahead is the room where Marie sleeps.
I looked in and I thought she was gone. She was sleeping in a position that she had never slept before.
Her face was small, white, and her mouth was wide open. And her face was sunken in.
Really sunken in. I couldn’t believe it. I walked over to her feeling so sad, yet personally, a little relieved.
I hate saying that… but this house is a ‘hospice house.’ This has taken a toll on everyone in it.
{Sometimes I feel like I am locked up in a smelly, dusty, funky , creepy ,super sad  house/prison}
I kissed her on the forehead and felt her arms, cheeks and hands to see if she was still warm.
She was cold to the touch, but she opened her eyes when she felt my lips on her forehead.
Marie will have her 97th birthday today.
On my way home from work last night I stopped and picked up balloons,
Ice cream and a birthday cake with candles. I have a difficult time dealing with seriously sad situations in my life. I have always dealt with tragedy with sarcasm and dark humor.
The more pain I am in....the more of a clown I become.
I was seriously thinking all day yesterday that she was going soon. Like yesterday or today. And then I thought…it’s her birthday on Sunday. Wouldn’t it be amazing if she died on her birthday?
She would have died exactly when her ‘lease on life’ was up?
Marie has lost her parents,brothers, sisters, cousins, and all her close friends. I know they are calling her and waiting to love her and be with her. She should be free of this body, and the shame she feels when we change her.
It is the saddest sort of sad. She doesn’t want anyone but us taking care of her. She wants to die here, and die with us here at ‘home’. 
We can do that.

 Would you if you could?

xxx 's  to : 'you know who you are'

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Online Interior Design,andi, death, dying, hospice, marie, death and dying, hospice at home

Saturday, February 19, 2011

If it's Saturday......

I will be working in retail.
My co-workers will be there too.

Something was going on with blogger with my last post...
It relates to this one.

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Online Interior Design,saturday, retail, working with wolves

About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



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Creative Commons License
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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