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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Festival Parade, Dublin, Ireland

Happy St. Patty's Day From Ireland.
Enjoy the MUSIC !!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Pecky (sinker) Cypress


Expect this wood to last over 150 years. The reason for this durability is it's natural preservative oil, known as cypresseine, which gives the wood resistance to rot and insect attack. Cypress timber also has very tight growth rings. This makes it denser and increases the stability and durability. These very traits are what make Cypress attractive to architects & interior designers.
Go Green With Sinker CypressSinker Cypress are cypress logs that have been submerged in water. These trees were cut during the late 1800s. Many of these logs were ax fallen from virgin forests during the industrial cypress harvest from 1880 to 1930. They were 150 to 1500 years old at the time of harvest. After the logs were fallen they were then hitched to oxen and taken to the rivers for transport to the nearest riverside sawmill. Some where lost and today they are retrieved by divers.

Use wood that was cut over 100 years ago instead of harvesting the wood that is grown today. When cypress trees are replanted today, it will take over 1000 years to grow as large as our river recovered timber.
There are no existing trees of that size today.( )

Gorgeous !!!
This fungus ( EEEEW )"stereum taxodil" usually takes 125 years to germinate inside the living tree. Once this process is started, tubular pockets are formed vertically up and down the tree. This fungus started the process of hallowing the log.
This pecky wood is usually used for decorative purposes.
"HELLO DESIGNERS"....and this is where we come in ......

Typical application. I am , and always have been in love with Pecky Cypress ceilings, beams, and paneling. It is usually white-washed in Florida.
The Older ( higher end ) Florida homes seem to have it the most .

The finish on this ceiling is the typical finish color.
Just Yummy !!!

Pecky Cypress Door.

The house I grewup in had a room with Pecky Cypress paneling that was washed in a pale beige.
It was beautiful and interesting. Texture is 'great stuff .'
The durability is what makes it even great for the outdoor applications as well. Remember, Florida is very damp & humid for 9 months of the year.
If you would like to design green while working in this industry, think about this:Sinker Cypress is often used to obtain LEED points (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Green Building Rating System). LEED was established for market leaders to design and construct buildings that protect and save precious resources, including using recycled material such as Sinker Cypress Lumber.
Peck Cypress is TEXTURE. I love texture.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

Friday, March 13, 2009



Hurry up!!!

Go and relax.
AHHHHHHH...................a nice tall , cold 'Yellow-Bird' please.

Worn out from the gorgeous sunshine and crystal clear blue water.....?
Hungry ?
Then eat some big fat grouper, or maybe some yummy red snapper.
The restaurant is fabulous , and world famous !
I would consider this romantic, that is if I had a romance going on.
But "don't worry about me" just bring your lover, and don't give me a second thought.
Have a wonderful time , and make the memories that will last you both a life-time.
Go, enjoy.
Be happy.
...Don't even think about me, I will be here blogging , or maybe I can find an art show to go to, or maybe I can go to pick up my dry cleaning.
LOL :)
In 30 minutes , by SEAPLANE, you will be back in Miami Beach.
The Site:

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

Sad Little Feet

Lisa Whatmough's Patchwork Sofas

I love these chairs for a breakfast room.

In the words of Ren & Stimpy;
"Happy, Happy , .... Joy , Joy !"

* Fun in a family room.
These are the sad little feet............
and if I were these feet , I'd be sad too !
?What the heck is on them ?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at reneefinberg@gmail.ocm.

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