Beautiful '
Order and
Disorder ' Makes Stunning Storage
How great is this look ? They have taken the fronts of
china cabinets , or have achieved this look by installing/attaching custom china fronts ( or salvaged antiques ) , over the opening in a wall where a pantry or closet might be specified for storage.
Think of space you save with set-in storage, and the beauty you achieve with these china cabinet fronts instead of using standard doors. It is a great alternative when you want the
look of an
antique in a room , but you are dealing with limitations, and sometimes we are talking ' inches'.
Or... guess what ?
You could just apply a
salvaged china cabinet front, or a dresser/buffet front with a mirror and a pair of electrified sconces on either side . Use your glorious imagination !
This could be done in a foyer that is too tight , but you wanted an impressive entrance. 'Voila,' you can have it !
As a designer, I never have taken very well to the words , " it is impossible" or " there is not enough space to do what you want".
I always figure something out. Always.
And I love the contrast of the high-tech kitchen with the warmth and elegance of the
china cabinet's facade. It works beautifully in my eyes.
I think this
might be what Mr Brock was alluding to when he was quoted in the NYT :
Mr. Brock’s definition of
aesthetic beauty is based on a
complex mathematical theory he developed.
In the catalog he writes that beauty is present in an object
“when the right balance is achieved between order and disorder.”
But, even what we read is subjective , NO ?
picture from:
( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design