OR you can read what I really wanted to post about..........
Yes or No
- Do you secretly worry that others will find out that you're not as bright and capable as they think you are?
- Do you sometimes shy away from challenges because of nagging self-doubt?
- Do you tend to chalk your accomplishments up to being a "fluke," “no big deal” or the fact that people just "like" you?
- Do you hate making a mistake, being less than fully prepared or not doing things perfectly?
- Do you tend to feel crushed by even constructive criticism, seeing it as evidence of your "ineptness?"
- When you do succeed, do you think, "Phew, I fooled 'em this time but I may not be so lucky next time."
- Do you believe that other people (students, colleagues, competitors) are smarter and more capable than you are?
- Do you live in fear of being found out, discovered, unmasked?
[ shall I save room for you on 'the COUCH ?']
- Perfectionism has nothing to do with getting it right. It has nothing to do with high standards. Perfectionism is a refusal to let yourself move ahead. ~ Jennifer White
- The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. ~ Albert Einstein
- Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. ~ Woodrow Wilson
- I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said, I don't know. ~ Mark Twain
- Don't agonize. It slows you down. ~ "Non-perfectionist" Isaac Asimov