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Monday, August 12, 2024

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House

When Frank Lloyd Wright completed the Ennis house in 1924, he immediately considered it his favorite. The last and largest of the four concrete-block houses that Wright built in the Los Angeles area remains arguably the best residential example of Mayan Revival architecture in the country.
Los Angeles (July 15, 2011) — The Ennis House Foundation today announced the sale of the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Ennis House to business executive and founder of the Yucaipa Companies Ron Burkle for just under $4.5 million. “We are excited that Mr. Burkle has purchased the Ennis House and is committed to complete the rehabilitation of this irreplaceable icon,” says Marla Felber, Chair of the Foundation. “Mr. Burkle has a track record of preserving important historic homes, and we know he’ll be an excellent steward of the Ennis House.”
Since 1993,Ron Burkle has owned the historic Greenacres estate, which was built in the late 1920s for silent film legend Harold Lloyd. He will continue the rehabilitation of the Ennis House begun in 2005 by the Ennis House Foundation. As part of the transaction, Ron Burkle will provide some form of public access to the house a minimum of 12 days per year, according to the terms of a conservation easement held by the Los Angeles Conservancy. The easement stipulates this access for future owners of the home as well.

Built in 1924 for retailer Charles Ennis and his wife Mabel, the Ennis House was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and built by his son, architect Lloyd Wright. The house is the last and largest of the elder Wright’s four Los Angeles-area “textile block” houses which feature patterned and perforated concrete blocks that give a unique textural appearance to both their exteriors and interiors. The house and chauffeur’s quarters span roughly 6,200 square feet and were constructed of more than 27,000 concrete blocks; all made by hand using decomposed granite extracted from the site.

Despite its significance, the Ennis House suffered greatly over the years from deferred maintenance, deterioration of the concrete blocks, the 1994 Northridge earthquake, and record rainfall in 2005. That same year, the Los Angeles Conservancy, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy stepped in and reorganized the nonprofit that owned the house, renaming it the Ennis House Foundation.

Just ponder for a while on this spectacular home.
Let's hope we never lose it!

Souces Below:

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Monday, August 28, 2023

Rainiest Summer in Maine on Record 2023

It kind of looks like a painting.
And maybe that's why we have tons of artist living on the coast.

Below is how the summer really played out.

A Charming Cape -  You just can't find it.

Again...this would make a great painting.
But who would sail in it? 
Not me.

But this is day to day life this summer in Maine.

We didn't have much of a tourist season as you might imagine.

If you like to Kayak.....

Above represents an almost nice day....You could manage a hike without mud boots.
For me , when I look at this walking path I only see TICKS.  
Yes, there are so many ticks.
I am definitely a city girl.
Plants belong in pots and all streets should be paved,
and next to the paved street should be a concrete sidewalk.
 I just can't help it. I don't like dirt on my shoes.
I don't like living far away from everything.
To pick up a container of milk it's 9 miles there and 9 miles back.
And don't get me started on how long every drive takes.
(Forget getting your Ben & Jerry's home without melting !)

And let's not leave out the beautiful 
but darting deer ...

Early morning & dusk heart attacks for me!!!

I think I would trade all this beauty for an occasional traffic jam.
Let's face it I would actually spend less time driving 
and in the car with a minor back up in traffic.
And I would get my Ice Cream home and it would be just right!👌

I end this post with the fact that Maine is a beautiful place 
with great people.
I just prefer my plants potted.


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design, Boca Raton and Rockport and Camden Maine, All Interior Design Services, Rainy Maine, Rainy Maine, Worst Summer on record 2023, Rainiest Summer in Maine on Record 2023

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Just Moved Back To Mid-Coast Maine

I just moved back to Mid-Coast Maine in an area called St. George.
Spruce Head. 
It is a beautiful area.
I came back to be with and care for my Mom.
She needs help now, things can be over whelming when you are 86.

Since I arrived on June 3, 2023 it has rained, been cold and is extremely foggy.
I am not a happy camper.

And now this is where I want to be.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design, Boca Raton and Rockport and Camden Maine, All Interior Design Services, Mid-Coast Maine, Spruce Head Maine, Mom, Mid-Coast Maine, Spruce Head Maine, Mom

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Art Nouveau-Style CAPELLA HANOI


  Hanoi Opera House and the Old Quarter, Capella Hanoi 
             conjures the glamour of the high society of Opera in the Roaring Twenties.

                             This hotel’s theatrical, Art Nouveau style is the genius of 
                                               ( And I LOVE )   Bill Bensley.'s  work

                            The 47 plush rooms and suites 
                                (some with French balconies, others with terraces) 
                                are decorated with operatic memorabilia. 

At the BACKSTAGE Restaurant Opera Costumes set the stage.

Here is the DIVA Lounge

Diva Bar

Perched on the highest floor are four outstanding Opera Suites.
This is one of them.
You really must check out the carpets in the suites.
Look at the lamp shades!! 

The ultimate DECO bath.
I am in a state of LOVE with this hotel.
I need to stay in this magical place created by Bill Bensley.

   You must search the memorabilia out in each room 
        and in it's application! 

Again, with the divine carpet!

The inset , (front facing) upholstered red wing chair is so clever.
Behind the bed is a stage set design painted on the wall.
Like I said...CLEVER.

Meet me there ?

What are your thoughts on this fabulous place?

Please see Bill Bensley's site for The Capella Hanoi 

Capella Hanoi

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design, Boca Raton and Rockport and Camden Maine, All Interior Design Services, Capella Hotel in Hanoi Vietnam. 1920's Glamour, Capella Hotel in Hanoi Vietnam. 1920's Glamour. Capella Hotel in Hanoi Vietnam. 1920's Glamour, Capella Hotel in Hanoi Vietnam. 1920's Glamour. Bill Bensley, Bill Bensley, Bill Bensley, Bill Bensley,

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Everything was WAAAY Better

I don’t know about you, but when I reflect upon the past 
(like 20-40 years ago)
  it seems that everything was better. 



               Politics, music, men, women, clothes, (except food) and PEOPLE. 

              People have gone crazy

                                                They are RUDE. 

                        And without a second of thought, they LIE. 

                And Lie BIG. Their lies are obvious to most of us.

                    But to about 30% of us.....they believe the lies. 

                   It's is scary for the rest of us, and sad for them.

  They lie in such a way that it puts peoples lives in DANGER.

Remember this woman? (sorry so blurry).

                             They have no social boundaries. 
               Like screaming at immigrants in  Walmart,                                                           or on the open street.

        And sick enough to post it on You Tube for all the world to enjoy.

                                                What is happening?

         Every single one of us when crossing the Atlantic were

                  immigrants with our hearts filled with dreams.

                      We may not always like the latest crop of immigrants. 

                                      That's nothing new!!


                                     When the Irish came they were spat upon.

                       No one wanted the Italians either. 


          They were considered to be dark and or swarthy. 


 Still the largest single immigrant population 

                                        that we have in

                              the United States is German.

Seriously here is a breakdown

           40 million claims to be of German ancestry

37 million Mexican

31.5 million Irish ancestry

17 million Italian Ancestry

10 Million French Ancestry

...and then there are the rest...

In my mind it accounts for some big problems that we are now experiencing. 

People that are not even German but want to be Nazi’s. 

We have our own home-grown Nazi terrorist.

BTW in Germany 1 in 20 men are Neo-Nazi’s

The GOP just had ; 

"Hungarian Prime Minister VIKTOR ORBON has consolidated power over
Hungary's judiciary and press and chipped away at the country's democratic
foundations. He is called "ethnic homogeneity" the key to economic
growth, and deployed the Army and erected razor wire fences to stop Syrian
refugees from entering the country.

He seemed to joke about Nazi gas chambers, prompting a longtime adviser to call
his comments "Pure Nazi" and "worthy of Goebbels"  from Aljazeera 8/5/2022

Seriously, I can not understand how the Republicans have fallen so far off the beam.

This is one of our so called 'White Pride' citizens.
There was a time when all these Pro Nazi's stayed under their rocks.
They grocery shop (in tattoo Nazi symbols) ) go to political rallies, and anything else you can think of.
They are not harmless, they are not men who just like wearing Nazi attire.
They want to be Nazi's and everything that goes with it.
They believe that the holocaust wasn't that bad or was entirely made up by the
Jewish media.
Speaking of Germans, one in twenty German men are Neo Nazi.
Did I mention that already?
I guess they are longing for the the good old days.
These are Facts.
I am not making this up.
You look it up.


Mostly attacks based on Race. 
These past few years they are certainly doing a job on religious places of worship.
Killing as many as they can inside the Church or the Temple.
Some religions more than others.!!!

What do you think about the Hate Crimes ?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design, Boca Raton and Rockport and Camden Maine, All Interior Design Services, Nazi's Nazi's Rude American,Nazi's Nazi's Rude American,Nazi's Nazi's Rude American,

About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



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Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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