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Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Never Met A Red Door I Didn't Like

"If you’ve ever noticed houses with red front doors you may have wondered- What does a red front door mean? Why did they paint their front door that bright color?

The history, origin and meaning of a home having a red front door is varied. There is no one origin for the red exterior door". 

"If you are thinking of painting the front door of your home red, consider some of these meanings to decide if red is the right color choice for your front door. Your home’s exterior is important and how you paint your home reflects on you."

"Consider these meanings before heading out to buy home exterior paint:"
"In Feng Shui, a red front door means “welcome.” Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy in which the arrangement and color of objects in a room relates to the flow of energy. The front door is known as the “Mouth of Chi” where energy enters. If you believe in or follow Feng Shui, painting your front door red would create welcoming energy".

"A red door means “welcome” in an old early American tradition. If a family had a red front door tired travelers traveling by horse and buggy would know that a home was a welcoming place to rest. They would be able to spend the night there."

"A red door provides protection. In Biblical times, the Hebrew slaves were instructed to smear blood of a lamb on their front doors to protect their first born from the angel of death. In old Catholicism churches painted the doors of the church red to represent the blood of Christ. Passing through the door would mean that you were on holy ground. Some believe a red door protects the occupants from evil."

"A red front door means mortgage-free. In Scotland, homeowners would paint their front door red to signify that they had paid off their mortgage."

Several of these images were taken in Ireland.

I wonder if it is a result of dreary weather.....

This was taken in Paris.
And a red front door right about now with a fresh
Christmas Wreath would look swell.

Do you like Red Front Doors?
I once saw a two story home in Westchester....
it was snowing , everything was white.
 I was driving around a neighborhood
looking at homes to possibly buy to live in with my husband.
I was about 25 years old.
I saw this home, it was painted white brick, with some natural brick showing through,
it was beautiful.
The shutters were black, there were black wrought iron window boxes.
Over the red front door was a pagoda styled over hang
made of copper.
And the front door was a brilliant lacquered red.
I loved this home.
It was out of our price range....
but all these years later it is still stuck in my head.

Do you have any homes stuck in your head?
info on red doors from here
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, red front doors, red, doors, homes that you remember


  1. My shop had a red front door! The top half is glass and the handle is brass, to fit the palm of your hand, it sits right in the middle.
    That door drew customers in all day and I love it! It is sitting in the cottage waiting to once again be a front door.
    I absolutely love red doors...but...I am a sucker for anything red!
    Jules xx

  2. I love a red front door! Well, in truth I love any brightly colored front door. To me it signifies friendliness within. Red is my favorite though. I love all the doors you posted. The house that sticks most in my memory was a house I saw on the Home and Garden channel many MANY years ago. It was the Connecticut home of the late actress Jill Clayburgh. It was PERFECTION. The sort of home I could have happily moved into without changing a single thing.

  3. I've always had a red door. In fact there are so many red doors on the block where I live that my neighbor dubbed it Red Door Street. Mine is a little different...It reds a darker red and I love it...this color is the 7th red color we've tried in the last 26 years and my favorite.

  4. We had our holiday open house last night...and countlees people chose to come through the RED laundry room door. Hmmmm.

  5. sage green home will not accommodate a red door...will a red entrance hall do? And yes...I remember EVERY home I've ever loved since childhood...what's wrong with me?....A perfect post R!....K


  7. What an amazing collection of red charming!!

  8. I do love a red door done right and these are some great ones! Won't do on my front door....but maybe someday!

  9. Anonymous20:31

    love red.
    dig your red doors - very cool.
    I live in a condo with red a hallway.
    if the question is red?
    my answer is yes.

  10. I am more of a "black door" style but love your pics of red doors..I probably should be more adventurous.

  11. Renee,

    The language of doors and what they could tell us. I enjoyed all of these doors they are unique and give you a sense of wonder and invite you to step through and to come in.


  12. Renee,
    I bet you had fun
    doing this post!
    What a great
    assortment you
    have found.
    I LOVE red doors
    and now I love them
    even more knowing
    all the different
    meanings behind them.
    To me, a red door says
    welcome & we like to
    have fun here!
    It used to signify
    that I had arrived at
    Elizabeth Arden with
    my mother. xo Lisa

  13. lisa

    right on!!!!
    i remember when i was a kid in nyc
    i used to have my hair done at Elizabeth Arden on 5th.
    the salon was on one of the top floors.
    outside the windows were huge Gothic
    church steeples.
    i remember sitting up there and watching snow fall and start to fill each crevasse of the Gothic design on the steeples.
    it was beautiful.
    i miss living in 'THE CITY.'

    thank all of you for the excellent comments xxxxx

  14. LOVE a red door, too. I painted our first house, taupe with white trim and ink green shutters...and a red door.
    Good memories.
    Mary Ann

  15. I had a fabulous red door on my old house! That is was "sold" it..the buyer said she passed it everyday and thought the house had such charm.... new home has too much pink in the brick..went with black and a black awning...looks pretty smashing if I don't say so myself! :)

  16. My my - so now I know why I have always loved red doors. I guess we're programed to like them. I can't put a red outer door on an apartment even if I do own it, so it's the inside that gets the paint. (That very square modern house was a nice surprise.)

  17. ivy

    who says that 'our outsides' don't matter.
    they matter a lot!

    that is why you sold that house!!

    my favorite saying:

    "you never get a second chance
    to make a 1st impression"

  18. Fabulous!!! I have always loved red doors as well, and I loved your many, many images, thank you for a little joy in the morning!

  19. they looks fantastic!!! i love the color and i love the meaning behind them!!!

  20. You know what's crazy is that I have a red front door and had to think about it first. Geesh I need to spend more time at home...ya think?
    Anyways I like that the scottish version of mortgage free which pertains to us. Lucky us!

    great post!


  21. Red front door is very lucky for me. Sorry i cannot share the personal things and a very big reason behind it.

  22. Love the red... I've never had a red front door... grey, black, wooden, white, taupe, green... but never red! Happy days Renee... xv

  23. Anonymous04:10

    Thank you, your information is very useful .By- Greeny



Thanks for participating!!

About Renée Finberg

I have been in this business since the age of 22.

I love what I do and cannot imagine my life without Design.

Design Challenges are great.

And because of those challenges

I have imported fine antique pieces from Paris,

Designed and Manufactured Furniture,

Created Fantastic Window Treatments,

And solved all kinds of spatial & architectural issues

With my unique style.

If I can't find it, I create it.

My rooms would make excellent movie sets.

I am a visual, tactile and audio sensitive individual.

Creating is what I live for, not math, not spelling, not science.

Just Great Design.

Just imagine how it would be if each of us,

If only for a few hours of everyday,We could be in a space that is our very own.A place that is exactly the way we want it to be

Surrounded by all the things we wanted to see,

The atmosphere we wanted feel, smell and the sound we wanted to listen to.

Private Paradise



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Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Adventures in Design by Renee Finberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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