million Mexican
million Irish ancestry
million Italian Ancestry
Million French Ancestry
...and then there are the rest...
my mind it accounts for some big problems that we are now experiencing.
that are not even German but want to be Nazi’s.
We have our own home-grown Nazi terrorist.
in Germany 1 in 20 men are Neo-Nazi’s
The GOP just had ;
"Hungarian Prime Minister VIKTOR ORBON has consolidated power over
Hungary's judiciary and press and chipped away at the country's democratic
foundations. He is called "ethnic homogeneity" the key to economic
growth, and deployed the Army and erected razor wire fences to stop Syrian
refugees from entering the country.
He seemed to joke about Nazi gas chambers, prompting a longtime adviser to call
his comments "Pure Nazi" and "worthy of Goebbels" from Aljazeera 8/5/2022
Seriously, I can not understand how the Republicans have fallen so far off the beam.
This is one of our so called 'White Pride' citizens.
There was a time when all these Pro Nazi's stayed under their rocks.
They grocery shop (in tattoo Nazi symbols) ) go to political rallies, and anything else you can think of.
They are not harmless, they are not men who just like wearing Nazi attire.
They want to be Nazi's and everything that goes with it.
They believe that the holocaust wasn't that bad or was entirely made up by the
Jewish media.
Speaking of Germans, one in twenty German men are Neo Nazi.
Did I mention that already?
I guess they are longing for the the good old days.
These are Facts.
I am not making this up.
You look it up.
Mostly attacks based on Race. These past few years they are certainly doing a job on religious places of worship.
Killing as many as they can inside the Church or the Temple.
Some religions more than others.!!!
What do you think about the Hate Crimes ?