Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hat Hair

If it is Tuesday - It's my Monday

And it's HAT HAIR DAY.
No...I don't HAVE 'hat hair.'...
I wish!!
{then all I would have to do is wash it, and it would be back to normal}

I mean I NEED a hat.
This one suits me perfectly.

 I finally found a solution for my hair-do.
Hair Don't!!

I think I must have done this to myself simply for a distraction
from what is going on in my world!!??

Thank you for all the support.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art, hat hair, hat hair, new hair cut trauma

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Second Day Of Hair Cut

My hair doesn't look like I wanted it to.
So I need to take some measures.
I need to change the texture of my hair.

How will I do this?
I was watching TV and saw that Suave has a new product out.
It is an at home Keratin Treatment.
My hair today....
is still in shock and is too course for this cut right now.
Just what I need is another damn project!!!

This was supposed to make my life easier.

This is the kit.
I watched the video, then read the comments 
and started to get sweaty.

Was panic setting in?
I just could handle a fried head of hair 
when I would be doing it to make my hair super smooth.
{read previous post in regards to sweating}

I have settled on the shampoo. It sounds pretty great.
And you ask me why Suave?
I have a real problem spending tons of money on certain make-ups,
and hair products.

When My hair is OUT OF SHOCK
and I have learned out to 'DO' the look -
I will post a pic.

Thank you guys for being there.
Have a great Sunday.
I am off to find the shampoo.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art, the second day of a hair cut, smoothing course hair, the second day of a hair cut, smoothing course hair

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hairstyles For Me - Help Me Decide

A few of you know that I am doing the design of 
the American Cancer Society of Boca Raton's Gala on 4.28.2012 
I need a NEW LOOK!!!
My hair is this length #1.
And it has been around this length most of my adult life.
My hair is also the same texture as C.T.'s but not as wavy-
unless I scrunch my head off.

Here are my fears.....
when I get sweaty {nice eh?} I need my hair off my neck asap or I freak.
And then the anxiety & sweating will intensify.
*again...nice, right?
but if you are over 50....you get me.

This doesn't seem drastic to me.
And I like myself with no bangs or very long ones.

I love this look 
but I will put my hair behind my ears .

This is pretty close to my hair....
being born in Houston Texas
I tend to scrunch to make it look BIGGER.
Shout Out To Joni Webb in Houston
I can however squeeze it into a ponytail when need be.
sweat sweat sweat

This is what I want to try.
it's behind the ears, 
and maybe because there will be no hair on my neck
{I am assuming}
I won't feel the need to put my hair in a pony when I am in panic mode

Sue me!
I forgot #5

I know....I skipped #5.....but I am a busy girl 
with a mind like a pinball machine.
I am trying my best here.
This hair cut I have already excluded 
because keeping bangs this perfect is a full time job.

This is just okay.
But, certainly age appropriate.

This I had a year and a 1/2 ago.
It was adorable.
I would flip it a bit more, it looked chic and tidy.
But, my hairstylists pals down the block
 {that are extremely young gorgeous and hip}
say the 'flip' is OVER. 

25 years ago I had this hair cut.
Everyone loved it .....
but again
I always put my hair behind my ears 
and I think the cut was a wasted on me.

I have done this too.
I don't know.......
again with THE BANGS!!!
This is my love Patti Hansen .
**Who by the way just recovered from bladder cancer.

I could put this one into a messy pony if I really needed to.
Who am I kidding, I will get sweaty, freak out and need to 'PONY UP!!'

My question to you is this;
Should I go for it and do # 4????

I am scared.
But, I have always wanted to cut my hair that way.....

What do I do???
remember when making your decision 
I get panic attacks and get sweaty hahahahaha

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art,Hairstyles For Me - Help,  American Cancer Society of Boca Raton's Gala

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bottle Bottoms On The Wall

I thought this was wild.
Bottle Bottoms on a wall.
Very effective!
I think there could have been a better choice as far as the sink & faucet go.

How great would this be behind or on a bar wall?

Your Thoughts?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art, Bottle Bottoms On The Wall, effective wall treatments

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blue and Green Interiors, Walls, & Carpets In Tangiers

I fell INTO 
this group of images.
Originally from World Of Interiors.
I found them on  http://trouvais.com/

I just wanted to be INSIDE these rooms. 
As of late ...
I have begun to understand the color blue a bit more.
I even want to work with it.
throughout my career I am guilty of steering my clients away from it.

But look at this unbelievably beautiful carpet.
The colors!!!!
A feast!

In the past when forced to work with blue 
I have usually done everything in blue and white fabrics including pale naturals
with marigold walls.

I have loved green since I was a little girl.
So ...
blue and green is a natural and beautiful combination for me.

What ever took me so long
to come around to the deep and rich hues of blue ?

I am sure it is from my early days in design 
when women would want blue & mauve/pink together.
It made me outright sick.

Blue and Green Interiors, Walls, Carpets  In Tangiers
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art, Blue & Green Interiors, Walls, Carpets  In Tangiers, Blue & Green Interiors, Walls, Carpets  In Tangiers, world of interiors

Monday, February 20, 2012

So Much To Do.....

and so little time.

I have recently developed this horrific back-ache in my lower back.
I have never had a back ache before-
It started 3 weeks ago and has not given up.
It wears on me...
and can distract me like so many other things.

Yesterday was Sunday {I take Sunday and Mondays off}
and I unplugged....
my phone, computer, and stayed in bed after I took a walk.
{thinking exercise might work it out}
It did not help.

Today is my 'day 2' of my time off from my work week.
I have to get with the party planners for the up-coming 
American Cancer Society of Boca Raton's Big Gala in April.
I have taken on the job of planning and the set design of it all.
I am very happy to do so.
You can certainly say that I am honored and excited about the theme; 
'A Nite in Paris'.
It is right up my alley!!!!

This is where the image comes in....
I just have to tell myself to slow down and
take it easy.
I don't want to get frazzled and drive off with my wallet or laptop
on the hood of my car.

Can you relate to a time 
when you were thinking of where you were going...
rather than where you were
I need to look down at mt feet occasionally
to focus on where I am!!! 

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art,one day at a time, be here now, slow down

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I was thinking...after today's work day....

That this might make for a fun space to gather 
{us bloggers}
have our laughs 
and share our totally brilliant ideas.
And just truly unwind.

Would you come if you could?

And when we were done....I would be exausted.
I run across a short meadow and find this cabin.
I spy the porch and the baby bed 
so I fall fast asleep in it with the warm breezes rolling across me.
Just Divine.

I can't however get The American Cancer Society 
out of my head.
I am doing the design of the event.
It is a night in PARIS.
This is the once a year big gala.
For The  America Cancer Society Of Boca  Raton in April. 28. 2012
I may have Hoda, and Donny Deutsch coming.

This would be a real moulon rouge feather in my cap.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art, america cancer society in boca  raton april 28 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Key West Home - Don't You Wish You Were There About Now?

Key Lime Chic!!!
The designers at 
Taylor and Taylor in Miami Occasionally knock my socks off.
I felt that I had to share this residence with you

Yellow is such a friendly color.
It seems to work with so many different colorways.
And always ELEGANT.

This is the front door.
Is this charm or what?

Don't you wish you here?
Since I completely shredded my ELLE mag...
this was on 2 pages and I photo-shopped it together for you.
I did not do a great job.

I did the same with this image as well.....
it is not as cleanly put together as it could be.
I know you get the idea.

I like the floor.
I am always doing black and white....
this I think is more livable for most.

Don't you think?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art, Taylor & Taylor, elle magazine,key lime chic, taylor and taylor in miami , the ultimate seaside home, quaint

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tailgate Polo Parties in Palm Beach

We are soooo lucky to have Polo in Palm Beach County.
{only for 3 months}
I went with a group of new friends.
I normally sleep all day on Sunday.

This is just what my soul needed.

These are the tailgate tents heading towards the clubhouse-
and go all the way to the other end of the clubhouse.

Florida people flip out when it is in the fifties.
He is.

This is the back of the tents. We just pull up right behind the tent and start setting up.
There was a contest going on.
You needed a theme.
Ours was USA and all armed forces.

This is the back of our tent.

This is the front.

Some came in costumes.
I think. 
They look awfully like Thurston Howell 
from Gilligan's Island.
They were fun.

This is the inside of the tent before everyone arrived

More quests from our tent.

Me and a friend.

At the half time
we took the flag out onto the Polo Field.
I was sure this is why we won.

It's Palm Beach,
everyone brings their doggies.

Palm Beach Polo Tail-gating

This image is of
  everyone walking the field to plug the holes in the field from the horses .

You stomp on the holes until they are smooth again.

They are announcing the winner of the match
and handing out the trophy and champagne. 
{yes that is me in the sweater with the handsome man}
And the winner of the 'TENT'S

{me in front in blue sweater}
My entire party from the tent!!!
What fun it was!!!

And all the newspapers were there. 
Taking pictures to put in Palm Beach Post's 'SHINY SHEET.'
{social page}

I hope you did something fun on Sunday.
This is a networking event of sorts
and HERE.....
I am in my element.

Does it look like fun to you?
I have a great time!!

want to see more POLO? CLICK HERE

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art,palm beach polo tailgating,palm beach polo tailgating