Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I Don't Know How To Get Back

      I don’t know how to get back to blogging full time again.

      It’s so hard.

      It’s very hard when you really don’t want to hear yourself

      because you have heard it all before.                                                                       

      And let’s face it, it has not been all ‘happy talk’ .                            

The past few years have been spent having a knee surgery that did not go as well as I had hoped.

         Then I had the brilliant idea to rent my condo out in Boca Raton,

                and move to Maine to care for my mother.

                       That too did not go as well as expected.


      Today I find myself living with my Ex husband in Lecanto Florida.

        I have my own room and am very grateful to him. 

                We have known each other since Junior High    

                AND he is the father of my only child.

                 Today I went on a job interview. 


                  This job has nothing to do with my profession

                   It is a part-time office job at Church. 

                  Something without much stress I hope.

                  Oh, Did I mention that I had a stroke July 6th 2024 ?

                      It was only 6 months ago. 

                      Don’t worry all my facilities returned after 3 months.

                      My sarcasm for sure! 

                      I am typing aren’t I ?

                How do I get back in the right frame of mind?

                 Any tips besides ‘JUST DO IT’?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design, Boca Raton and Rockport and Camden Maine, All Interior Design Services, Just do it, just do it, just do it, i don't know how to get back to blogging,  i don't know how to get back to blogging,  i don't know how to get back to blogging


  1. I"m Gary's wife. I love your blog postings...way too far between. What happened to your mother, is she still alive?

    1. She is still alive. Cranky as ever. She will be turning 88 this april 7th. Which Gary do you mean? Gary S. ?

    2. You know...I haven't posted in so long I didn't even think anyone would be there to read it. So, Thank You.



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