Friday, May 4, 2012

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going

Sometimes I feel like I got caught in the middle of a sh-t storm!!
{and I know I am not alone in this}

This gives me the opportunity to 
get tough,
be tough,
and get going!!!

Do You Remember This Song?
It is so apropos for me right now!!!.

{Because this is a design blog....I feel I have not been posting enough design related items.
So this beautiful staircase and the hallway will work just fine in this post.}

I will be facing a some fierce stairs to climb in the near future.
but let them be beautiful
{and preferably in Paris-no such luck)
and not too steep.
But if they are....I can STILL TAKE THEM!!

The hardest place to be is IN  THE  HALLWAY
before the next door opens.

I am waiting,
and have no doubt 
 I have my best running shoes on.

Just for today....I am feeling strong.

love to -
you know who you are.


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, built-ins, and all built in seating, bedding and pillows,Roseta Santiago Works Of Art,when the going gets tough, the tough get going,The Tough Get Going, When The Going Gets Tough, french stairways, beautiful iron banisters, hallways 


  1. Well this is one gorgeous post, Renee! To only have this stairway and hall! Perfection.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Loved this post as our family is experiencing some steep stairs to climb and to figure out why a lot of doors are being shut in that hallway! Loved this illustration! And yes…these things will only make us stronger because that's the kind of people we are choosing to be! Hope you have a nice weekend!
    Carolyn Bradford

  3. Renee, as proof you-never-know what will work.

    My blog stats are about 1500 above normal today. WTF?

    Many moons ago I did a blog post about Bunny Mellon's garden.

    She is in the media today & search engines are including my post.

    Life can be so ridiculously fun.

    ....Have learned when I go 'directly' at something it's a no-go.

    When I go sideways towards a goal, I reach it and it's better than anticipated.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  4. My dream home requires an iron railing......and I LOVE what Tara wrote above, she's good, isn't she?...k

  5. tara

    i think you may be right.
    it's crazy.
    the weird and wonderful things that can happen out of what SEEMS like nowhere.
    it is like you said - sideways.


  6. Life is not fair. There is a blogger with many, many followers as well as companies that pay her or gift her with expensive things. In the past 2 years, we the taxpayers, have paid for her foreclosed house and bankruptcy. She has now gotten another house - so we can pay for it again?

  7. Keep walking Renée... those doors will open and when you least expect them to... Gorgeous post with wonderful spirit... xv

  8. Dear Renée,
    You have such a wonderful attitude and disposition when times are hard. I know that inside, you are probably not feeling so great but life always has a way of sorting things out. I just know that something will turn up so, get up that beautiful staircse as something good is waiting at the top !!
    Lots of love and look after yourself. XXXX

  9. vicki

    thank you xx

    i will.
    i will keep moving forward.

  10. jax know me so well.
    i am trying my best to be strong.

    i think if i can just FAKE IT
    i can make it.

    love you xxxx

  11. That's my girl. Wonder where you
    have heard that expression
    When the going gets tough, the
    Tough get going. You are strong Renee and a winner.
    your #1 Fan.

  12. Renee, Going up those staircases can lead to great things! Love Tara's comments!

    In the Disco Days used to dance to that song as well as so so many more! Oh the energy we had!

    I have featured an Interview with Tina from The Enchanted Home...


    Art by Karena

  13. You are such a story teller. Artfully crafted. As usual.

  14. Renee, this post is beautiful.....Do we ever leave the hallway, once we climb the stairs? So many doors and possibilities, we alone can choose to either open them or continue down the same hallway......I am confident you will know what to do, thinking of you....N.xo

  15. Hey, sister!
    Yeah that hallway and staircase is a nice launching pad for you! Love the umbrellas! Maryanne xo

  16. la petite-
    oh mom
    i soooo needed to hear that.
    i love you

  17. maryanne

    i love you too!
    thank you

  18. Sweet Sister of of what's unseen...that's what you have and that's perfect on so many levels! The top will be grand and oh so worth waiting for.
    love you!

  19. renae

    i ran away to naples to be with my old best friend from nyc (and maid of honor fr wedding #2)

    what a difference it makes to get out of my toxic house.



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