Friday, November 25, 2011

7 Things About Me You Don't Know

7 Things About Me You Don't Know.....

before i go on.......
In accepting this award for "The Versatile Blogger" , I want to say "Thank You" to Bette@ if you don't know about Bette or have not visited her blog please do.She is the wisest of most of us.
She has helped me in more ways than I can express.


1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to recently discovered and often visited blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.


I am a child of 50% of the rest of this nation,
and so is my daughter.
I don't like it ....but sometimes it is the lesser of two evils.

I believe strongly in G-d.
When my back is against the wall,
And lately that seems to be an everyday occurance
I depend on him.
When I don't know what to pray for;
I simply ask him to 'STAY WITH ME.'
....He does.

Interior Design is the one and only area in my life
that I am completely sure of my choices and decisions.
Everywhere else in my day to day dealings....
I am a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.
hence; the 'loner artist evolves.'

I am a loyal friend.
I do not take on many
but those that I do consider to be friends
KNOW they can count on me.

My favorite color combinations are;
black , creamy white and emerald green.
black, creamy white, chinese red and tan/taupe/camel
creamy white, chocolate brown and black with a touch of copper
Charcoal grey , creamy white, yellow, and pale lavender - in a plaid
I think you know i could go on and on.....

Blogging has saved me.

I am willing to do anything that has to be done to mke my new showroom
'The Trade' in Boca Raton a success.

Here are the bloggers that i have chosen for this award:

Happy Thanksgiving 

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her Blog of her Adventures in Design,Owner of 'The Trade' Interiors, ,Boca Raton,Palm Beach,Boca Raton Florida,All custom upholstery,case-goods,window treatments,Antiques, Accessories and Antique accessories, All built-ins,built in banquette sofa seating, blogging award, the versatile blogger


  1. congratulations
    That movie Perfume is shocking, don't recommend it.
    Freaked me out, could hardly keep watching it. Strange.

  2. There is no one more deserving of the versatile blogger award. I have followed you since the early days of my blog life and even at my lowest point I would sneak in to see what you had to say. I love that you can lift my spirits so easily, that you still like me even when I don't agree with you and I hope I am one of those few friends you ,have taken on albeit a very distant one!!!!!
    Keep blogging my Sweet, you do it so well! xx Jules

  3. jules...
    you are funny.
    you are ONE of those friends!!!
    i love you always xxxx

  4. Congrats Renee
    And well deserved.. You always go that extra mile to make your posts interesting and unique!!

    Hope you have a lovely thanksgiving.. and thank you for your lovely comments my way..

    Have a great day!! ciao xxx Julie

  5. Congratulation, Renee! Lord knows that you deserve this award! You have one of the best blogs out there!
    Glad to learn more about you!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and eat far too much. That's the only way to do it.

  6. I am with everyone here are most deserving of The Versatile Blogger Award! I never know what will come my way when I visit your blog and it is one of the things I love about it...always a little surprise. Best of all, you have added 'The Trade'. I love your taste in design...I know someday when we settle again, I will be spending lots of time on your blogs. :)

    Thank you kindly for passing on this award to me, I feel very privileged to be in such great company!

    Sending you very best wishes for a lovely Thanksgiving Renee...

    Jeanne xx

  7. Congratulations Renée, and I hope you have a splendid, creamy white Thanksgiving! (Creamy white seemed to come back in all your favourite colour combos, lol!)


  8. De tout, de rien

    happy turkey bird to you my friend!!!

  9. Renee,

    You are the so rich in talent, so wise in your vision, and so dedicated to your passion that versatility has brought you here today. Your spirit is generous and your life is forever in Thanksgiving and I really enjoy the path with you.

    I am grateful to learn more about you as life is the gift of ultimate sharing, caring, and nurturing our hearts and tugging on heart strings along the way.

    We are all mirrors to one another and need to reflect back what we don't know how to say.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  10. Dear Renee, You so deserve this. you have been through it all and not only survived but thrived!

    Your posts are always fulled with honesty and heartfelt feeling!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    Love and Hugs

    Art by Karena

  11. Renee.... So good to know more about you... Your blog is a true representation of your lovely and honest character... Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on the award... so well deserved... xv

  12. oh....vicki

    how sweet of you to say.
    thank you

    hugs xx

  13. karena

    so have you....
    ...been through it.
    i like to think we did some ofit together.

    love and hugs
    i hope you are doing better. xxx

  14. Congratulations Renee, well deserved!
    Di :-)

  15. Renee this was so interesting and well said. I think its so telling how you said blogging has "saved" you, I have heard this from so many people...its amazing isn't it, and I would venture to say its really the people you connect with and interact that make it what it is, and have 'saved" you...dont you think so? Like you, I am a fiercely loyal friend that trait alone will get you far and there is no dbout that you WILL succeed.
    Congrats on your award and to the other recipients...hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  16. you are one of the reasons I keep blogging YOU HANG IN! Happy Thanksgiving...hugs H

  17. Learning more about you via your blog all along has been wonderful, and now the seven things you shared for the Versatile Blogger award has been icing on the cake.
    Your blog posts are always intuitive and beautiful, but do know this, your sidebar absolutely fascinates me, it is a can't miss every time I come here.
    Thank you for your online friendship, and for extending the honor of the award, I will get on this next opportunity, and hope I do it well. Continued happiness your way, from one who truly identifies with you via your 1, 2, and 4 things! And huge success with your showroom!

  18. TSL

    you certainly deserve the award.
    i look forward to finding out more about you!!!

    thank you fro you remarks on my sidebar....
    i sometimes wonder if anyone sees it or identifies.
    i mean....isn't that what we all want?
    to be a 'part of'?
    and when someone identifies with you....
    you have a sense of belonging.
    so, thank you foe that.
    xxx hugs

  19. tina

    i wish you the happiest Tday ever.
    i just wish it could have been in the new house!!!

    xxx fiercely loyal



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