Friday, May 6, 2011

Sometimes....You Should Jump

The day was Tuesday May 3rd….I am not sure about the time exactly, 
but I do know that I was packing my office up around 3pm. 
I was supposed to work late because it was a Tuesday.
No more late nights for me!!!!!! J
…….It all went rather smoothly……
*And according to plan-
The boss lady  called me into her office to let me go.
The reasons were….blah blah blah
I thanked her,
and asked if it would be alright if I took a few days to clear out my office.
She said “that will be fine,”
I proceeded to start emptying out my bookshelves, desk drawers, deciding which things I would leave behind. She {the boss} came in and was asking me is there anything that she should know about…..
I told her about some special orders that were still outstanding, and where the fabrics and purchase orders were. I also let her know where all my files were and how they were set up.
And I pointed to one file that was green….I said “this is where all special orders are kept….”
“And if you should need any floor-plans on my clients homes for future work, or details on the special orders, you will know where to look”
She said: “that’s very nice of you”
I thought;
“I am nice”
You just don’t seem to ‘get’ nice, and professional,
Or it’s just that nice and professional is not a ‘good fit’ in this company.
It’s all knifes, secrecy and daggers. I don’t handle dishonesty well.
It sets me up for feeling crazy…..who’s telling the truth around here!????
It is technically referred to as ‘CRAZY MAKING’
I am so happy to be out of that furniture ‘dealership’ atmosphere.
And I wanted to leave on friendly terms….

In fact today  {may 4th}I went back to the store to go over all the drapery, and custom orders….
My office already had a designer in it.
(Geeez…..the body wasn’t even cold yet)
They have hired 5 designers and are trying to step up their game.
Robb & Stucky , and Carls furniture have gone out of business,
So, many of the choice sales people from those establishments have now been hired by the firm I worked for.
….. but mainly designers.

So….. I mean ….they will flip when they try to get into the design departments groove.
Where Designing is concerned……. All hands are tied….
It has been torment for me 
and I have enough stories to write a book on my experiences working at this establishment.
But...I won't bore you.

I said to boss lady ;“you really need to step up the game in here since Robb & Stucky is gone."
You will be getting those clients, and they expect more.

Let me smoothly segue into my gratitude ......

I told her that she actually gave me the push that I needed, 

she had done me a favor.

I explained that when I left work on tues {THE D DAY} I made a call to 

someone I have wanted to work with for years.

It is all High End manufacturing....he said perfect timing...

I want to open a showroom in Boca Raton 

My boss who is the head of all the deign depts in all 15 stores across Florida, was excited and asked me to  bring her a catalog right away.
And I said "my little ‘to the trade’ showroom will be right across the street and 3 blocks south."
She said she was excited for me and would carry the lines.
And then she said “you will have to come in all the time’’, and do the Saturday morning meetings….
Bring us a great breakfast….”you know how it works”

Amazing Eh?????
It pays to play well with others.

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Boca Raton,Boca Raton Window Treatments, Boca Raton TurnKey Interior Design Service,Palm Beach County,boca raton,Boca Raton,
 all according to plan, letting go and starting over,playing well with othersRenee Finberg Interiors,



  1. Renee I am thrilled from you, to finally be out of this vicious environment. I remember when I first came upon your blog, I was reading your narratives about your boss lady and this back stabbing, undermining negative environment and i really fell for you as I had experience similar environments before having my own business.
    I want to hear all about your new endeavor!

  2. francine
    you will.
    you will.

    it will be all custom - high end upholster, built ins, things made of stainless steel.
    you name it.
    we can do it.
    i have worked with thid man for 20 years.
    i am grateful and proud for the opportunity.

  3. You've EARNED this opportunity.

    Providence has moved your talents to a location for them to flower, pollinate, create new cultivars.

    Exciting to watch this happen for you.

    CONGRATS !!!

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  4. All the very best. And well done!

  5. Good for you! Things happen in a certain order and for a reason. It's a karma thing. I strongly believe in it.

    My daughter was complaining this week that playing nice and by the rules never pays. I told her it seems that way in the short run, but in the long run, you come out a winner. Just keep at it. Believe in your principles and have the courage of your convictions.

    Words to live by.

  6. See Renee...there are no accidents in life. Things DO happen for a reason. This barracuda did you a reason by you leaving those shark infested waters. You are now the captain of your very own ship, new waters to explore, and new lands to exciting! I cannot wait to hear all about your new tales! Best of deserve all good things. I have a feeling great things lie ahead for you :)

  7. What can I say gorgeous girl - you rock! Something's happening to the planets at the moment, change is everywhere!
    Millie x
    P.S. I dunno about the breakfast stuff, I'd be too tempted to poison their croissants.

  8. I say YESSSSSSSSSSSS! I am glad you are out of that cesspool. Wishing you all the best.

  9. Cheers to you, Renee! And good for you for taking the high road even though the boss lady never did. Good things come to those who do this. For boss lady, well, karama can be a mean you-know-what. :)

    Best of luck to you. Can't wait to hear more about the new job!

  10. I don't know how I have missed your blog, but I am here (via Lisa) and love it. I am adding you to my blog roll.
    Have a nice day.

  11. So the law of attraction does work after all :)
    You have been talking about the shiny thing coming your way and there it is.
    Good for you

  12. o my gosh....
    ...such love and encouragement.
    i thank you,
    i need you.
    you are appreciated!!

  13. Renee,

    The greatest gift you can give yourself is being who you are and watch the world around you fall into order. Great week for this to happen look what company you're in among some history makers. How Grand and Special this is and part of the master plan in place especially for you. We all have one and it is more valuable than gold. All is well...may blessings continue to proceed.


  14. Dear Renee,
    I am SOoooo pleased for you and your new's so exciting and I KNOW that you are going to be a mega success. I can't wait to hear how you get on and I know that there will be many stories for you to tell along the way.
    Wishing you every success and really enjoy it.
    Much love Renee. XXXX

  15. Free!!! You may think you're diving into the deep end but we all know you'll make a great success of it, especially with your contacts and back-up. How exciting! Happy days!

  16. Best post I have read for like ever!

    Congratulations my lovely. We are all so excited for you.

    You are the best and deserve to be treated as such.

    now treat yourself to a nice mani pedi.

    xo jane

  17. I don't know why I am crying....because I'm tickled to death for you! I gasped upon reading sentence 7...and held my breath the rest of the post. Watery eyes of happiness...I love a great story...and this is definitely a great story.....I can't wait to hear more.

  18. Anonymous22:45

    BIG times for you. Good riddance and good luck. proud of you t o chin up and keep moving forward. you are brave. may you be happy and successful.

  19. Hey I love Millie's advice about the croissants...the naughty girl she is!

    Exciting and a bit scary, which I reckon is a good combination actually. Anyway, life is far too short to be miserable and suffer these silly fools. A new adventure is always a grand thing, and the more brave you are, the greater the rewards, I reckon.

    Willing you great success from across the waters!

    Virginia x

  20. ..well your last words says it all -It pays to play well will others..
    all the best to you and that you have another opportunity../Marie

  21. kathy

    you are the sweetest...
    and you know
    you are a favorite friend of mine.
    who happens to 'post' brilliant posts!!

    someday we will meet when i am up there.
    my brother lives in reston va.
    actually...i can't wait!

  22. I can't read the post change the color, it's hard to read. I can't believe she said that> Go to the zoo or beach and let your hair
    blow in the wind. Glad you are out of the hell hole. Come on up to Maine.

  23. I've been watching for this post for over a year. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you. In addition to nice I'd add - honorable and with integrity - to your description of yourself. Best regards, Michele

  24. Michele,
    your comment really hits home....
    i know you know it has been an unbelievable struggle for me the last few years.
    thank you for the added mention of;
    honorable and with integrity.
    if i am not buried a wealthy woman,
    let me be buried 'a nice lady who was honorable and with integrity.'

    xxx thank you sweet friend

  25. YEA!!!!!!!!!!I am so happy you got the boot!!!!!!!!! Those b*!#$! don't know what class is........And I knew there was going to be positive changes in store for you!!!!!This will be perfect!!!!!!!!And she has the gaul to say come to meetings and bring BREAKFAST?!!!!!! Is she delusional or just plain nuts?????
    You know this move might not have happened if you hadn't gone through this, maybe you'll pass on what you have learned about treating people...... Best of luck to you darlin in your new digs. Maryanne xo

  26. i am so sorry i have not been in blog land lately and all i can say is Y I P P E E ...
    you will never look back and your whole world is going to turn in the best direction...

    i am so thrilled i can hardly breathe! now can i call her and tell her what a mistake she made?


  27. Best of luck. Not that you need it, but it never hurts.

  28. red....
    you are the best!
    thank you.
    i hope my shop will be as fab as yours!

  29. My dear Renee,

    You are a woman of integrity, grit and professionalism. You have more than paid your dues, onward and forward. I KNOW your showroom will be EXCELLENT and BEAUTIFUL...just like you! Can;t wait!

    My best sweet friend.


  30. my miss renae

    thank you.
    you have been such a friend through all of my struggles.
    giant hug and xx's

  31. maryanne

    the answer to your question i think is delusional !!!
    thank you thank you thank you
    hugs & xx's

  32. WOWEE handled such a major shift with great dignity and strength. Reading this post from my office at work made my cringe a bit, but what a fabulous ending. I am a firm believer that when one door closes another opens but sometimes WE have to be the ones to walk to that door and turn the handle. Many people are too scared and weak in the face of sorrow to brave that unopened door.

    Cheers and a big hug to you!

  33. morning T

    thank you for you words of encouragement.
    the last line in your post;
    " Many people are too scared and weak in the face of sorrow to brave that unopened door."
    really hit home.....
    i am fighting fear and working on faith at the moment.
    i signed the lease yesterday and am now doing everything else...
    thank you again! xxx
    your words meant a lot!

  34. I'm so happy for you! You've made your saga so touching and so much fun to read that you are a sort of heroine. Now for the sequel; we're rooting for you!

  35. GB
    thank you
    thank you
    thank you
    XXXX hugs



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