Monday, May 9, 2011

Industrial Feel In A French Home

Well, we know that this is not in the USA.

I love the books and the industrial staircase.

How about the sliding casement windowed doors.
Me Love!!


Not so pretty

The kitch is cool.

Again....not so pretty.

Just try to take away one good idea, 
and ignore the rest.

Renée Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Boca Raton,Boca Raton Window Treatments, Boca Raton TurnKey Interior Design Service,Palm Beach County,boca raton,Boca Raton, Renee Finberg Interiors,Industrial Feel In A French Home, casement windows, zinc colored cabinets,  take the good and ignore the rest, To The Trade


  1. There are so many stories being told in this home. I want the kitchen. The industrial cabinets are perfect.
    Talk about mind provoking.
    Thank you for sharing, Renee.

  2. Still... there are so many ways to make that storied space my own.

    Cheers!... to a new view.

  3. That spiral staircase just gave me goosebumps.

    VIrginia x

  4. Definitely a few intriguing ideas in these pictures!
    Love that library though.

  5. Hi Renee,
    I love the kitchen and this industrial look is gorgeous. I have noticed it all feeding into the interior shops now. We have a wonderful shop near us called Little Paris, which is full of vintage zinc filing cabinets etc. I love it but don't think that I can throw out everything in our house and start again !!
    Hope you are well Renee and everything is going well with your new venture. XXXX

  6. Just a quick visit. Are you all OK I saw on the news tonight that your part of the world is now experiencing the flooding, Hope not in your area.
    love and hugs Jules xx

  7. Hmmm, not an excessively huge fan of that look, it takes a great deal of skill to pull it off and it suits a limited type of spaces. I suppose you could have one well chosen industrial vintage piece in a traditional space, but again you have to know what you're doing.

    Renée, you do have a knack for spotting the best out of something!

  8. It gives me kind of a cold feeling....not a warm and welcoming vibe that I like to come home to. I always envision coming home at the end of a long hard day, and if I were to walk into that, not so sure I would be so thrilled. The kitchen has a certain charm/personality and do like the sliding casements, and that sprial staricase is neat but thats about it on the redeeming qualities list for me. Interesting...oh and I do love an abundance of books..yea that makes it pretty interesting. Hey thats why theres more than just chocolate and vanilla, right....lots of different flavors for lots of different tastes! Hope alls well with you!

  9. Kind of like husbands, take the good idea from them and ignore the rest. My favorite is the kitchen; I am an industrial kind a gal.

    I'm so excited about your showroom Renee. REALLY excited!!!

    xx Deb

  10. Well, it become very popular this industrila look...but I find it hard to like it, it is cold and rough, it is kind of cool..I sometimes see interior like sound .. and this environment feels *loud* if you know what I mean ;)
    all the best to you and thanks for sharing this pictures, its hard to find this kind of pictures../Marie

  11. Adding a small industrial element to a room would add interest.

  12. under S moss,
    i couldn't agree more!!

  13. Wonderful spaces! I'm loving those books under the industrial staircase too! Have a delightful day, Kellie xx



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