Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pre-War Apartment In N.Y.C

This is a home in NYC.
In a pre-war building built in 1928.
When you live in a larger, with a doorman pre-war building in the city 
here are a few things that you might find;
a working fireplace, large rooms with big closets, 
beautiful old wood floors, 
built-ins, and sometimes.... iron work inside the apartment.
And most likely you will have 
a very funky (and i mean that in a good way)
old elevator with the 13th floor button removed.
Most of these buildings had no thirteenth floor because of superstitions. 

The family that lives here wanted a feeling of permanence.
They have 3 kids. And I agree,
I think that this is crucial for kids when they are growing up as well.

I love the warmth of this place.

Flea market finds fill the less expensive 
custom bookshelves made to look like built-ins

A wood burning fireplace.
How cool is that???

The fabrics chosen for this home 
were checks and stripes to add to the 'old home' feel.

The dining room has 19th century Swedish chairs.
And they have decided to keep the painting 
unframed or museum mounted  to maintain a less formal look.
It works.

This is my favorite thing.....
look outside this cozy kitchen window.
Gorgeous & strong Manhattan architecture!!!
Looks like it could be Paris. Right?

I would (almost) give anything to live in a NYC pre-war apartment.
And if anyone should have one for me....
I would prefer it to be on Carnegie Hill, or anywhere else on the east side.
Providing it is from E. 58th St. to E 94th St,
and between 3rd Avenue to 5th Ave.
Not that I am picky.....!!! hahahahahah



Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., NYC pre-war apartment Share/Save/Bookmark


  1. I've been lucky enough to decorate a few of these type apartments and they are so special. Love this one. It is a real family home. Hope you are well.

  2. Thanks Renee;
    That is a beauty of a home. I am with you on the fireplace, so cozy!

  3. Of course you're not picky!! You just know exactly what you want just like the rest of us!!!
    We have lots of lovely old apartments like this in the City of Sydney and along the foreshore of the Harbour they are big and comfortable and bear no relationship whatsoever with a modern apartment.

  4. I love the warmth of this home. Not that this is a negative, but you'd never know it's an apartment. Love the onyx? marble? backsplash tiles, and wonder where do they store the wood?

  5. What good real estate taste you have Renee...I wouldn't mind being at that address too...xv

  6. My kind of place in my city of choice presented by my kind of girl.
    xo xo

  7. Warm, elegant and cozy family home.
    Have a gre weekend, Renee.

  8. Sold to Millie & MOTH! NYC here we come!
    M ^_^

  9. What a beautiful apartment.....I love the way that they have decorated it. No showing off there. Just comfortable, liveable but with style.
    Mr and Mrs Home with be fighting Mill's the MOTH for it !! XXXX

  10. guys'
    i can't keep these fake bloggers
    (and PORNO SITES!!!!!!)
    out of my comment forms and off my blog.
    I hate them!!!!
    ...even with the name verification.

    me xxx

  11. We don't have a 13th floor here's 12A. Same in Hong Kong, they just skipped from 12 to 14. Strangely they lived with a 4th, which is very bad fung shui in Chinese. My mother was madly superstitious, and when they chose their apartment in Hong Kong she initially chose the 14th floor, until she realised it was in fact the 13th. We ended up living on the 15th!

  12. for you, one for me and we can swap sugar. Such a lovely, old-world charm apt. Any gal would be so lucky to hang her pantyhose there.

    Renee great post xx

  13. columnist


    that is a great story.
    thank you for that.
    you are the only person who made a comment
    about the 13th floor thing!!!

    the 13th floor thing......
    blew my mind when i first was made aware of it.


  14. Loveeee the decor in these apartments, ahh!



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