Wednesday, February 24, 2010

She's Not Her Mother..

Kate Hudson..........
I know, I know,.....
You probably think she is so adorable. 
She is. 
But not anymore adorable than one of the many,many,many
 pretty girls I have just seen in passing, or I have known.
Lighting, make-up, and the right clothes can work wonders for anyone.
{Even should see my lighting people, 
and my make-up and wardrobe people 
as we all pile out of my clown car when I arrive at work.
And still... my co-workers seem just don't 'get me.'}
Back to Miss Kate-
And as far as acting......?
Where is the depth ?
How is it that she is still around.
I mean when I watch her in a film,
and I look really hard to see 'something' there....
I want to want to see her in a movie.
She is Goldie's little girl.
Sometimes it seems she is trying to be her mom,
but not even through genetics will she achieve that.
I can't help but think of how many thousands of really authentically
talented young woman are out there just waiting to be discovered.
They are waiting tables, or whatever else they may choose to do, 
while they are honing their craft and waiting.
These young actors go through a terrible time of it.
The auditions, the cattle calls, the rejections, and the heartache. 
Many will wait a life-time for a break.
Few will get one. 
I guess to me, it just seems like Hollywood is no different than 
Washington or Wall street.
It always comes down to one thing.....
"He who holds the gold
makes the rules"
*And Kate's mom is one of the most powerful woman in Hollywood.
But she will never be this woman.
Goldie Hawn.
And no one would know Kate's name without mommies clout. 
This is a real 'somebody' 
and self made.
She won an Oscar in her twenties.
Does anybody out there remember 
Goldie on ' Laugh In ?'

Goldie Hawn proved her ding-a-ling act was just an act. 

She won an Oscar for her supporting role in 1969.

 in the movie Cactus Flower. 

Around 1976 she married Bill Hudson of the 'Hudson Brother's'.
And divorced him around 1979. 
(they toured with the 'Osmond's'.....wha?)
This is Bill Hudson, the bio dad.
Kate was able to buy the home that she grew up in as a child living in Malibu with 
her mom.
That had to be great for her.
The estate was right on the beach.
Here are a few inside pictures of the house.
I was only interested in this because Goldie lived here.
and that's where this whole post idea came from.
(And my little Kate and Goldie rant)

The is the Lanai.

So....I am waiting....tap tap tap 
( if only i did have nails to tap)
Any opinions about Goldie, Kate, or the house?
Did you like Goldie???


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, 
TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., Goldie, Kate Hudson,The Malibu home


  1. Yes, I think Kate is adorable!
    She is ALMOST her mother, they could be
    And, Goldie Hawn?
    An American Icon.

    So, Renee, wait no more.

    xx's Marsha

  2. Oh Renee
    Well put!! You know I have loved Goldie since I was a small wee child.. and yes. I remember Laugh In!! haha

    She just has something special that cannot be imitated even by offspring!! When Kate Hudson first started out I didn't mind her.. but I have gone off her more and more in recent years... To give her credit I think it must be hard to try to find one's own success when living in the shadow of a famous parent.. but she is just missing that style that her mother has.. In fact I think it is 'goodness'. Goldie just oozes goodness!! Which is perhaps why we love her so.. besides her ability.

    Now having said all this . of course we don't really know them at all [well at least not me haha] but I do know what you mean!! I'll take the house though!! Fabulous blues throughout! I'm going back for another look .. whilst you continue the imaginary finger tapping!! xx Julie

  3. I love Goldie...growing up with her and the many others of her early days brings back some of the best family memories for me. I enjoyed your post...lovely shots of the house, especially the two chairs by the window.

  4. jeanne

    me too!!!!
    watching ' laugh in ' with my family every week was a happy time.


  5. I think Kate's fabulous! Goldie had her peak before I was born, but I agree that she's a great actress and lots of fun :) And I'm totally loving Kate's house!!

  6. Blogger hates me!..My computer hates me! I cannot see the pictures of the house...Just those awful little boxes with pink and blue dots and it doesn't matter how many times I press enter they are not going to appear. Loved Goldie Hawn. Hang my head in shame when I say, it is so long since I have been to the movies, I don't know the daughter at all!!!

  7. You know I love Goldie, Kate's a beautiful girl but her movies are weak.Infact Hollywood stinks as far as Movie's. Maybe 2 good movies a year. The rest is aimed at teens. As you know their Brains are not fully developed.They
    only know the world as a TV or Computer.
    One thing to say is Goldie and Daughter have LONG legs. That house is in a great location, and looks beautiful.
    Just heard the news in Florida.
    Renee,stay away from that Killer whale.

  8. Hee on the killer whale comment...

    Goldie is quintessentially adorable...Kate (even her name) a litttle more somber...not as bright and shiny. But cute.

    House...looks grand!

  9. It is true, it's almost always who you know not what you know!

  10. Very interesting post, and how many times we have all had similar thoughts. I came over from Bardot In Blue ~ my sweet and talented daughter who was given wings and then is making her own way. Hometown junior college while working hard in retail for 2 years before going to University in Paris. Then got her job as a summer intern with the ad agency {with no help at all from Mommy or Daddy} which will now translate into permanent employment. Of course we paid for the tuition and rent but what an investment in a child's future. As for Kate, we cannot fault her for being Goldie's daughter. Yes, she was born into opportunity, but I do think she is beautiful and quite talented enough for the roles she plays. In the end, I think instead of sizing them up as actresses, the more important comparison will be: was Kate a decent human being and as good of a mother to her children as Goldie was to hers. ~jermaine~

  11. french kissed

    i agree completely with you.

    if i had the patience and the time, and could write forever on a post...
    i certainly would have expressed those very same feelings.

    but aren't i the lucky one that you came to comment on this very post.

    *you have helped me to complete it.

  12. I didnt 'get' Goldie and I don't 'get' her daughter either. Def a case of who you know.
    I'm not so young that Idont remember Goldie - BTW - its just she was original, yes - and that's it. She repeated her schtick overandoverandoverandover.

  13. i fully agree with julie and frecnh kissed... amazing comments.

    i think kate is darling... but her mom is a legend and will always be one of my favorite actresses...

    "foul play" and "seems like old times" "private benjamin" top of the list...

    and the malibu house... fabulous! xx

    p.s. never saw laugh in... weird huh?

  14. She ( Kate ) is one of my daughters favorite ones....probably because she is fresh & hip! I do luv Goldie, she is so classic and what a talent!
    Always looks amazing!

  15. Hi Renee,

    Love your blog! Follow you and feel your pain coping with a hard job. I would love for you to take a look at my new blog I just posted. Love your thoughts! FYI, Lived in Palm Beach about 4 years ago. I miss Florida!

    My blog is

    Thanks in advance for taking a look.


    Melissa Rakowski

  16. Great post friend! Hmmmm, Goldie was definitely in a class of her own funny girls. I think Kate did a great job in "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" but everything after that, not so much. You are right about people knowing her name b/c of her mom.

  17. Goldie in 'Laugh In' was SO funny!

    Now, about these lighting and make-up folks, you must have some good ones! You always look like a starlet! What's the secret, sister?

  18.'s not easy to be a kid of rich and famous ... well... but it helps(often)
    Have a nice weekend, Renee.

  19. Hi Renee,
    I LOVED Goldie in Rowan and Martin's Laugh In..... I loved all of Laugh In.
    I actually feel a little sorry for Kate, as it must be difficult to live up to your mother's talent and fame.
    I guess that having your foot in the door because you have famous parents is just luck and just part of the unfairness of life. There are zillions of talented people out there who will never get anywhere but, that is the way the cookie crumbles and it happens in every walk of life. It's just something that we have to accept. Stella McCartney would never be where she is today without having such a famous father etc, etc.
    Wonderful house. XXXX

  20. Love Goldie, love the house and I lovvvvved Rowen and Martin's Laugh In. Who could forget that mad was brilliant. 'Here comes the judge, here comes the judge'....I am smiling just remembering those episodes, xv.

  21. vicki archer

    i loved it too!!
    it was the funniest show.
    and so slapstick.


  22. granny-smith-green
    thank you for catching that......'s not easy on a sales girls salary.....hahahah

    no really,
    my make-up & lighting people are unemployed clowns.

  23. granny-smith-green
    thank you for catching that......'s not easy on a sales girls salary.....hahahah

    no really,
    my make-up & lighting people are unemployed clowns.



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