Monday, January 11, 2010

20 Secrets To Happiness

For A Happy & Successful
New Year 
Return everything you borrow.
"I do, actually I do not borrow at all."
Stop blaming other people.
"I try to take responsibility for all my actions, 
and let's face it....
even if it is someone else's fault, 
I should have known better."
Live within your means and within your seams.
"This is a  life long struggle for me. 
There are so many beautiful 'things', 
and such excellent fudge cake out there "
Be humble.
"Oh, I am humble alright.....who wouldn't be in this economy"
Listen more; talk less.
"I work on this constantly....
I have learned to be quiet and HEAR the other person.
You know, if you really listen, 
a person will really tell you WHO THEY ARE."
Every day, do something nice and try not to get caught.
"This is a hard one, 
and if you don't know why.....
try it"
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
"Uh Oh.....let's just say. 
I am working on this one too."
Be on time.
"I am always on time. 
It drives me crazy to sit and wait for someone.
We all know chronically late people.....
it is all about their 'CONTROL' issues you know.
Maybe this should say, 
' Be tolorant of the chronically late' people '. "
Don't criticize anyone for 24 hours.
"OMG, a hideous flaw of mine
I am always criticizing others and myself.
(even if it is only in my head most of the time)
I mean can you imagine me not?
I mean if no one is making me laugh, 
I have to humor myself."
Be kind to other people.
" I am. 
But would someone please pass this on 
to the rude and mean people. 
Be even kinder to unkind people.
"Boy oh boy, I try....
I take the high road. 
But I can never run fast enough 
down that road to get away."
Take time to be alone.
"This I do WAY TOO MUCH."
Admit it when you make a mistake.
"This I am good at. 
It ends the conversation. Right?"
Understand and accept that life isn't always fair.
" DUH !!!!"
Let someone cut ahead of you in line.
"It feels good, especially if they are old"
Don't argue.
"This girl HATES confrontation. 
But it is not a great idea to back me into a corner." 
Know when to say something.
"Again, This is the easy one."
Know when to keep your mouth shut.
"This is the hard one."
Don't make excuses.
" Again.....
it's probably my fault.
I should have known better."
Don't sweat the small stuff.
"I learned this little chant from a yogi (LOL) 
I say to myself 
'How important is it really?'
It has been pointed out to me that
the world will ' keep keepin' on ' 
no matter what the outcome.
And I have to believe ( to remain sane )
That if things don't turn out the way I want them to...
maybe, just maybe G-d is protecting me from something.

This sounds great in theory....
is this do-able for you?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, 
TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., 20 secrets to happiness, 20 secrets to happiness, renee finberg interiors


  1. These "secrets" are SO good! How I need to put many of them in to practice! What a wonderful post.

  2. Good Girl! ;P

    "Be a Winner, not a Whiner".

  3. Dear Renee
    What wonderful secrets, although I admit I will need to re-read them as I was caught up in how innocently happy those photos are... pure joy!! what a delight
    Thanks for this post it is fabulously uplifting...
    [ps ,... how will i ever tag you for the happy 101 now... maybe you've got more happy to share?]

    xx Julie

  4. Anonymous02:12

    A fantastic posting! I was thrilled to find someone else with the exact same mind set as I. But what really struck me was what you said about mean people. What is the **matter** with them? I just don't get it.

  5. Step by step we all CAN be perfect.
    Lovely post Renee

  6. Wonderful post Renee! Thank you! This little girl exudes so much joy..... her little face is what I'll think about the next time I feel rejected, abused (by mean people) or some astronomical injustice comes my way. I'm a very punctual person as well and late people make me crazy (getting better on this one), thank you for shedding some light on the control issues! (should have known this) I didn't realize it was control....thought all along it was selfishness and a self absorbing attitude that the world revolved around them....or extreme disorganization! A different perspective helps and understanding personality types (and remembering we bug other types) too, although, I hate when people make excuses for bad behavior and blame it on their p. type saying "that's just the way I am and will never change"! Agreeable, we cannot make people take responsibility for their bad behavior but we CAN control our own. I'm a VICTOR not a VICTIM is my theory and I'm stickin to it! Have a joyful day! Luanne

  7. Excellent advice and the pics are amazing!!! Thanks for the smiles, Renee.

  8. These are all great Renee, and I esp. loved the bit of wisdom at the end about God protecting us from things when things don't work out the way we would've planned. Brilliant. Thanks also for the comment on the tissue boxes - you're the best. xo

  9. I'm guilty of some of the good as well as some of the bad!

  10. This is a long list..., and so true. For myself, I summed it all up into "be aware and relaxed"..., because if I try to be perfect..., or right, or talk over someone and so forth, then I am not relaxed. The trick is to really know (feel) that I am not relaxed, and that's where the awareness comes in. And the girl is so cute!

  11. I LOVE THESE....
    You and I are too much alike in too many ways...these are such great rules to live by!
    That little girl is soooo precious, I want one!

  12. Would love to try to do all of these! A list worthy of some attention!
    Nice Renee.......

  13. i think we can all agree....
    this child is a show stopper.
    have you ever seen anyone so adorable?
    my daughter seems to think she is in a 'windows' computer commercial.

    i saw her and just saw innocence,
    and joy.


  14. LOVE this post... need to read it daily... xx pam

  15. Beautiful Child. I could hug
    her so tight. Wonderful Post,

  16. What great advice. Even if we could work on one a day we'd all be better people. I do try to listen to people more. I've learned that from my husband! I think I'll copy this if you don't mind to remind myself to strife to be the best I can be. Boy that sounds vain!))

  17. I had to follow over from your funny comment on your Mom's blog...what a wonderful post this was and what an adorable child! Her face is so full of happiness.

  18. 'Know when to keep your mouth shut' - that one jumped right out & bit me on the derriere! I don't make New Year's resolutions, but this is one I did promise MOTH to be more mindful of in 2010. Even put the rubber band on the wrist to snap when I feel my mouth engaging into the open position. Love all these 'secrets' - & the beautiful face in those images just makes me want to succeed with them all.
    Millie ^_^
    P.S. Can you repost this in July please?

  19. millie

    yes. good idea.
    i will repost in july!!
    ha ha ha xxxx

  20. Oh, just looking at that happy little urchin makes me smile! Beautiful words to accompany the images!

    Yes...I have used briwax...does it come dark dark???

  21. Very doable and very worth doing. Your a smart cookie Renee, & no wonder I admire you incredibly.

    Your biggest fan. xoxo deb

  22. listen more;talk less...sorry but i can't do that one, lol..i will try tho...loved this post, you are sooo good at writing my friend.
    love you girl!!.xx

  23. Fabulous post, I just loved it! Thank you!

  24. Love this post and finding your blog. You are a fine woman of honor and integrity. It is lovely getting to know you...from one horse lover and decorator to another



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