Monday, August 24, 2009

I am back.....

Work is work.
Just that.
It is a daily struggle for me. I come off like a very secure , confident, professional, but still a playful person. But that is not what is going on inside my head. I am unsure of myself, and it is a struggle for me to be with co-workers. You know....other 'CORPORATE people.'

After I have been doing the selling thing on the floor with a couple of clients.....I feel as though "I've been birthin' babies !"
(That's a line from Gone With The Wind)
I am just worn out!! It is tough to be 'ON' if you know what I mean.
I just read a great book; 'Ghosts Among Us' - by James Van Praagh ( NYT Bestseller)
It was fabulous for me. Just what I needed.
It has given me a whole new way to recharge myself at any time of the day.
You have heard the saying; "you can start your day over at any time of the day!"
Well, this book takes it to a whole new level.
If you have read 'Many Lives Many Masters' you will love this a s well.
It is completely uplifting.

For one thing, regarding anyone you have ever lost in life through death or even suicide, this book will give you true comfort. For me , I have lost my Dad and I miss him a great deal. I think of him often. In this book I found out that when you think of a lost loved one who has passed on, their spirit is instantly with you.
I knew he was there all those times!!!!

Also you are given many visualizations.
For instance; if you visualize a pink aura around yourself, it will emanate love. This visualization is for protection. But you do have to think only GOOD & PURE thoughts.
It is working for me.............

So today at work I will be surrounding myself with a pink glow.

I am not a far-out person. Trust me on this. can't hurt me to be open minded and try new things.
G-d knows, we all could use a better tool box to get through this life.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom



  1. I am wishing you to be "in the pink" all the long day!!

  2. I'm not in the corporate world, but I know how exhausting inner struggles (insecurities, negative thoughts, fear...) can be. I read "Many Lives Many Masters"..., and I think I'm going to get "Ghosts among us" too, it sounds really great, and I'm kind of a sucker for self help and personal growth books. I guess I need all the help I can get to stay on the "positive" track!

  3. Thanks, Renee, for this encouraging post. Just what I needed to hear today.

    I don't know nothin about birthin no babies!!

  4. I say try anything Renee...(within reason, of course!!!).If it helps, it must be O.K....I've seen James Van Prague on television and I'm fascinated by him...I'm definitely getting the books....try not to work too hard.XXXX

  5. Oh boy am hearing you girl on this one! I have to play with the Corporates, but don't beat to their drum. Just smile & act like I do, but as soon as their backs are turned I give them all the big upward finger! I do my own thing with my lovely clients & as I'm 116.9% to budget for the month with another 5 working days to go, I think I'm entitled to give those Corporate types an even bigger skyward finger!! Just look after your clients like I know you will do beautifully & all will be well -promise!
    Millie ^_^

  6. Very timely for me Renee & will be checking out this book. I have never been "out there" kind of person either but I am open and always embracing change..I lied, almost always. I completely understand your meaning of being "on". It's tough work & exhausting. Glad to know you are doing fine, I've been a bit m.i.a lately. Keep that pink outer glow going Renee & I'll do the same ~ thank you for this. Xx deb

  7. Oh Renee, looks like I'm the lone pied piper here! (I'll risk the rejection by you or others in this forum). I don't like seeing my blog friends easily deceived into such philosophies such as JVP presents. We may not agree on religious ideals but one thing I know for certain is this is NOT the guy to be following. Sure he gives "so called" comfort to those who have lost their loved ones but there is another comforter called the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost...shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance....) that we have been given. One of my favorite verses is 2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind (discipline in some bible translations). 1 Cor 2:16b "But we have the mind of Christ." The battlefield is in the mind. If you want a great book "Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers". We are commanded to test the many voices we hear wanting our attention such as fear, insecurity, rejection etc. (1 Cor. 14:10-11). He is our counselor not a human ruled by demonic forces. I'm not a "far out or fanatical person" either but I do follow God's word and if it doesn't line up with his word, it is not of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jn 1:1. I'm a Christ follower who has asked Him for the truth, discernment and wisdom and He has always been faithful to direct me. Just another point of view to ponder? Take care and hope your week goes well. Praying you'll experience the Holy Spirit in your life dear. Luanne

  8. Renee, You are very brave. I read Many Lives several years ago. I too found it comforting. You may also like the George Anderson book, "Walking in the Garden of Souls" or "Lessons from the Light: Extraordinary Messages of Comfort and Hope from the Other Side" . It is in the same vein as Many Lives, Many Masters...

    I am passing on a book title that showered the most light on questions I had for years about health & energy, etc... The 1973 Best Seller by Ruth Montgomery, "Born To Heal". You'll love it,-- try your local library, ebay or Amazon for an old copy.

    The only way to keep your head in a corporate world it to pay attention to that which brings you RELIEF & recharges you. Pay no attention to any of us, just notice the stuff that nourishes and feels good to you. It is by you staying strong & connected that we all benefit the most.

    Thank you for your lovely blog.

  9. You have to find what resonates with you, what heals you and sustains you. Being around people we do not enjoy is like being in a sandpaper sandwich.

  10. Good words Girlfriend. I used to tell my clients when I was a personal trainer, that if you blow your healthy eating plan for the day to instantly hit the "restart" button and get back on track. So there you fits wherever and whatever our challenges are for the day.
    Blessings to ya!

  11. So good to have you back, Renee! I don't envy you the whole corporate scene and the pressure, etc.. I will keep you in my prayers! XO

  12. Its been a while good to see you are hanging in there!
    School has begun & unfortunately takes any non work time out of my hands!
    Good weekend to you!

  13. Good to see you back! I always say WHATEVER WORKS!!!
    Bon week-end mon amie!

  14. I'm an California gal, so I'm all for visualization!
    We are definitely kindred spirits, Renee.
    I'm sending you a big pink hug from L.A.




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