Friday, June 26, 2009

Cheri, I Am On A Rant !

The Movie
I hope my mom sees this pic. My mom will want to paint it. In fact she painted my grandmother smelling roses in the same way.
This picture of Michelle Pfieffer, walking in a gown across the sand on the something I might do.... but, I would not look like that !
But how great is the feeling this image evokes ?
In this picture, I get the feeling she might be the sort of woman who throws caution to the wind.
And from the story line , ha ha , I think she does.

The headboard is Art Nouveau, I LOve , LOve LOve. (the railing in the 1st pic is too)
When I go to the movies....50 % of the time I don't care for the film....
But, No Worries....there are always the sets to examine under my mental microscope.

Ladies (and I use the term very loosely - lol ) know you have to see this film.
Look at the architecture , the cars, the clothes etc, etc !!!!
And let's not forget how close up we can get to inspecting any 'WORK' that Miss Pfeiffer might have had since her last film. I know it is a ' Meow Meow' sort of remark, but hey....this is a minor sin. I am a designer, what do you expect ??? I am allowed, and often it is one of the ONLY PERCS in this business.
And , besides...I am just jealous.
Not to mention , I am pretty good at doing detective work on my computer....maybe I can find out who the plastic surgeon is if 'the work' is any kind of great.
And there is sex.
Look at the cast ! Look at the oriental black lacquered screen !
Do you think you would like to see this ? If you go, don't thank me.
Thank Heather @ Habitually Chic, I got the idea from visiting her.

P.S. sensitive readers, don't go getting all offended about my remark about 'Ladies'.
I say; " Loosen The Bone Wilma !!"
Lighten the heck up.
This blogging stuff is not supposed to feel like a science project.
It should on occasion make ME laugh !!

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom



  1. LOVE the photo of the woman in a period dress and the guy with a t-shirt... CLASSIC!!! ;) lol

  2. Such a true post, it is all for the fun right? I like to get lost in a beautiful film as well. The costume design, the interiors, the outdoor lamdscaping....all make for a beautiful film ( good looking actors & actresses only add to the mix)! Thanks!

  3. La Maison Fou

    thank you darling for 'Getting It' !!

  4. This was such a fun post! I must say that my Wilma bone is quite loose..... as my hair is thinning more every day! HA! I can and do admit it! Nothing to hide! I laughed and laughed when I read this! Like it better than the "getting your underwear in a knot" saying! Very few films are as entertaining as the sets! I so agree with you! Luanne

  5. I simply can't wait to see this movie!!!! I've been waiting for months! And I'm proud to be one of the 'girls' :-)

  6. S @ Architect Design
    I love you !
    you get it !


  7. I am so excited for this movie! Thanks for posting the pics! The clothes and setting alone will be worth the price of admission.

  8. I miss so much story line sometimes by examining all the other details. Will be fun to examine this one!

  9. Oh, quel beau film ! Je ne l'ai pas encore vu mais j'espère le voir trés vite ! J'ai lu les livres de Colette et c'est une femme que nous aimons beaucoup en France. Femme libre qui aimait les chats et les hommes... Comme les images donnent envie d'en découvrir plus et Michelle Pfeifer est tellement lumineuse !
    Kisses from France

  10. tatieva,
    well, now that you tell me 'colette is a woman that you love in france'....i can hardly wait to see the film!!
    and how fabulous you are to sign off on your comment
    "kisses from france"

    so, here is back at ya'
    kisses from boca

    your translation;
    Oh, what a film! I have not seen yet but I hope to see very soon! I read books and Colette is a woman that we love in France. Free woman who loved cats and men ... As the images make you want to discover more and Michelle Pfeifer is so bright!
    Kisses from France

  11. Gorgeous! I can't wait to see the film. Thanks for stopping by Sanity Fair!

  12. This movie is on my must see list.
    Living in La La Land has made me immune to "work". Just saw a well known actress getting out of the building elevator looking like she was in a fight with Sugar Ray Leonard! LOL

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  13. ...close up of the "work"...Hee!
    You are funny!! Loosening my bone as I type. So thta's where this headache came from?!

  14. I'd see it just for the hats. But the clothes and the interiors-OMG! I actually don't really like period pieces all that much, but can't wait to see this after your post.

  15. Good to her from you Renee! Yes we enjoyed our trip! You asked about the bigger pictures? Let me see if I can find the person who had a blog on the entire, lengthy procedure! LOL! I cannot believe I actually accomplished it myself as I'm not computer savvy at all but her instructions were excellent! I'll be back with the link! I SHALL RETURN! Luanne

  16. cannot wait to see the movie... and btw...i hear michelle looks fantastic... when i was a little girl i wanted to be edith head... i think the costumes are always amazing in films... these look fantastic. have a lovely weekend... pam

  17. I HAVE to see this movie, yes you're right!I am well afraid of having missed it in Paris, I fetch the DVD.These pictures are so beautiful! I'll be happy to meet again handsome Mr.Wickham!

  18. I have seen this movie and Michelle Pfeiffer does look pretty good, work or not. The movie...I won't spoil it... but I would love to know what you thought, xv.

  19. I can't wait to see this movie. I have it on my netflix queue. Loved this post.



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