Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Black , Black, Black, Is Chic, Chic, Chic

This is the glamorous and ever so Chic Black Bamboo. I  love love love !

Can you imagine ? This is a close up of it growing.
I mean, this looks as though someone hand painted a bit of gold on it. But it is just growing.....
Tre Chic.
So wild. So green.

I think this grouping of black bamboo would look fabulous bordered with black mondo grass.
This is black mondo grass. It is normally used as a border, but it can also be placed in a planter. Then it looks a bit like a Phyllis Diller wig. Which I love.
This is a typical application. See it along the grass ?
This is what it looks like when it blooms. It doesn't get very tall , about 6" high is all.

Is this glamorous, or what ?  [ see....Phylis Diller Wig, Right ?]
"Description: The ultimate Gothic grass - the black mondo is an evergreen perennial with shiny grass-like foliage forming small slow spreading clumps. The black leaves look fabulous in contrast to ferns and lighter green grasses. The white flowers appear in summer followed by dark black-blue fruit."

Native to: Korea
Hardiness: Full-half hardy
Sun: Full-partial sun
Soil: Any fertile well drained soil
Flower: Violet - white
Leaf: Black
Flowering period: June to August
Maintenance: The black leaves look fabulous in contrast to ferns and lighter green grasses.
Black Mondo is drama.
See how it is growing in this planter? If you were to have a large shallow planter ( round or rectangular), it will grow all the same height, and evenly. Do this in a planter on an outdoor cocktail, or dining will be quite pleased.

This Black Mondo grass is so inspiring that artists have painted it. I think it is unexpected, and can be a show stopper if it is used in the right application. It seems to just accentuate what ever else it is in, or with. It can be another design tool. And unexpected .
Do you likie ??

growing bamboo 101 :
Jen's Photography on flickr
images - flickr

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....


  1. Never ever have I seen black bamboo before. Nature is just amazing..., no wonder we want to bring it all into our homes!

  2. Thank you for introducing me to Black bamboo, I have never seen it before and I thought I was an ok gardener !!
    Great post.

  3. Love the bamboo, never seen it black though. I am a huge fan of mondo grass, here in Tulsa we call it "Monkey grass"..... it looks so good as a border & keeps multiplying, you can't seem to kill the stuff. It also looks great to fill in a bare spot where flowers will not grow.

  4. la maison fou

    i have always called it monkey grass too !


  5. First time to see the black bamboo...unique and exotic-looking, for sure. I did see black mondo grass at the nursery recently and it surprised me that it is not more visible in home gardens. A striking combination!

  6. Black Bamboo! thats so beautiful! Who knew! Did I tell you I have a black feather boa that Phyllis gave to me at a charity event! I use it as my christmas tree skirt -LOL

  7. Black decor, clothing, bamboo, cars, etc etc... LOVE it!

  8. The black bamboo is totally fabulous!

  9. Anonymous15:37

    Does the black bamboo course through the garden like a rogue the way other bamboos do? We have neighbors who went through a bad divorce and planted bamboo in her garden and it was a nightmare to get rid of! What people do for love.

  10. That black bamboo is so elegant!

  11. So great love love the black bamboo, the mondo grass looks way better than the green variety (which I inherited in my yard here)
    Love Phyllis Diller hair!

  12. The black bamboo and the black mondo are fabulous - I have never heard of it or seen it. Totally wonderful Renee, xv.

  13. I love the black bamboo, Renee! I have never seen that before. I also appreciate the Masterpiece schedule on your blog, as I am a huge fan! Thank you!


  14. Oh I LOVE black bamboo! I have a small one in the front yard a friend sent to me from Oregon. BUT I have never seen black mondo! I have 5 pots of mondo I need to plant right now. But boring green!

    Great post!

    For Anon...there are running bamboos and clumping bamboos. There is Black in both. A beautiful non-running black would be Timor.

  15. Love that black mondo grass!! I've never seen that before.



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